8: what do i do?

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I jerked awake as the plane skirted onto the runway. It was still light outside, the sun just about ready to start setting. I looked in my arms and Winter was sound asleep, resting his head on my shoulder.
Everyone around me started to grab their belongings and head off of the plane after it landed. I figured it was best if I waited it out a bit.
"Need any help?" Someone asked me as I struggled to grab the bag from the overhead with Winter in my arms.
I turned around and saw my childhood best friend, Matthew, behind me.
"Matty?" I asked smiling. "What are you doing here? How are you?"
He gathered me into a quick hug, smiling.
"I was out of town for a business trip, funny I could ask you the same thing Pearson, or should I say Metzger," he said. "I'm guessing this is Mr. Winter your mom raves about all the time." He grabbed my bag from the overhead and we walked off the plane.
"It is, first flight for him and I would say he was a champ," I laughed, combing Winter's short hair with my fingers.
"I'd say so," he laughed. "So you asked me, so why are you home? I'm guessing it's about those news articles coming out."
"Yeah," I said quietly. "Turns out TMZ can also publish true rumors sometimes."
"I'm real sorry about it being all hidden from you," he said as we walked towards baggage claim. "But, time always heals."
"Of course," I said smiling. "One can hope."
"Lauren! Lauren Metzger!" I heard people yelling by the exit. Cameras flashed as they yelled for me. "Are you taking a break from your marriage because of the scandal? Is that why you're in Ohio?"
"Here we go," I said under my breath, grabbing the one suitcase we brought off of the belt.
"I mean you married a famous person, isn't this like an every day occurrence?" Matt asked, pointing at the crowd.
I laughed and slid on my sunglasses over my eyes, holding sleeping Winter in my arms tighter.
"Ps," Matt said, pointing to the second exit. "I think your mom is over there to get you."
I looked over and she was standing near the west exit, frantically trying to look over the crowd.
"I just texted her to tell your dad to pull the car up," Matt said. "These guys are gonna be ruthless walking out of here."
Matty tried his best to cover Winter and I as we walked toward the exit, holding his back to the cameras as we passed.
"There she is," my mom said, holding out her arms. "And there is my sweet grand baby."
"What about me?" Matty asked laughing as he opened up the trunk to my mom's car for us.
"You're my favorite, you know that Matty," she laughed, scooping up sleeping Winter from my arms so I could put his car set in the back. "A mirror image of his father."
I smiled quickly before returning to the car seat, strapping it in.

"Hello?" Ryan said, answering the FaceTime on the first ring.
"Hey," I said, sitting down on the squeaky bed Ryan and I shared when he visited my parents for the trial. Ryan's face looked drained and exhausted, all I could do was feel for him.
"How was the flight?" He asked quietly, sitting up in his bunk on the tour bus.
"Winter was perfect on the flight," I said. "Better than I expected. How was the show tonight?"
"No show," he said, looking off camera. "We, uh, we are postponing the rest of the tour. With all of this and Adam and Emily, I just-"
"I get it," I said, feeling the coldness take over the conversation. "Gives time to sort things through."
    "I-" Ryan started, looking off camera. "I know I can't apologize any amount of time and make this better."
    "You can't," I said, feeling the warmth of a tear on my eyelids. "I just need time to think, okay?"
     "I know," he said, looking back at me. "Tell Winter I love him."
     "Will do," I said, looking over at Winter in his pack n play sound asleep.
     "I love you, Lauren," Ryan said quietly and hopeful.
     "Goodnight, Ry," I clicked the red end button, Ryan's face turning to a black screen. I let out a sigh as I was met with my reflection.
My dad opened the door quietly, peeking his head in. He met me with a smile as he entered.
"Hey baby girl," he said, wiping his hands off on his jeans. "How you holding up?"
"Am I overreacting dad?" I asked, picking at the corner of my phone case. "I mean, it's not like he cheated or anything. He just-"
"He lied to you for over two years Laurbear," He said, taking his seat beside me on the bed.
     "Through better or worse," I said, looking up into his big eyes, ones that resembled my own and Winter's a bit.
     "That's the vow that always seems to be tested the most in the majority of marriages," He said, patting my back. "Look at your mother and I. Remember those six months we separated back in 2003? Those were the worst six months of my life and all because I was stupid. I made a stupid decision going downtown that one night, but those six months made me realize the precious things I took for granted everyday."
    "I remember you loving on us extra when you guys moved back into the house," I laughed, wiping away a tear. "But it's just every time I think or look at Ryan I think of what's happened. And this can't just be erased like a DUI dad, it's a full blooded child."
    "I know," he said, looking at Winter in his pack n play sound asleep. "It's a hard and lonely process to regain trust. Just take as long as you need to see what your heart is leaning you towards."
    "Thanks dad," I said, leaning into him on his shoulder. "Promise you won't hate Ryan if this ever blows over?"
     "Well, I can't promise he's not my favorite person right now," he laughed. "But if my daughter loves anyone with her heart, they deserve a place in mine."

The Good Part (Sequel to 'Normal') Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin