Chapter 4 - Endeavor

Start from the beginning

"Welcome home father." They chorused, eerily synchronized. Kakashi felt very out of place.

Endeavor ignored them. They all sat down and said their thanks before eating.

"How were finals?" He asked Todoroki.

"I'm in 6th place overall." Todoroki replied. Endeavor wrinkled his nose and sighed. "I'll do better."

"How were they for you, Kakashi?"

"I placed well." He said, not offering any more information.

"I see." The sound of cutlery hitting the plates was the only sound in the room for a few minutes after that.

Multiple times throughout the silence, Kakashi thought about saying something about how good the food was. Eventually, he cleared his throat, and spoke. "This is good fish, my compliments to the chef."

Fuyumi blushed, clearly not used to compliments, and thanked him.

Then there was silence.

This time, Endeavor broke the silence. "How do you find your classmates?" He asked Kakashi.

"They're interesting. I think they'll make good heroes."

"Where did you attend internships? I don't recall seeing you around Hosu after, or before the incident with Stain." He said.

"I did not attend internships due to medical reasons." Kakashi then realized that Todoroki hadn't told his father about All for One.

"Oh? Are you ill?"

"No. I had a run in with a villain prior to internships, and was unable to attend." Kakashi wasn't trying to make the conversation awkward by speaking formally, he was telling Endeavor that he wasn't here for small talk. Endeavor clearly picked up on this message, and disregarded it.

"With All Might teaching, the crime rates have been rising steadily." Endeavor clearly had his own opinions about All Might's choice to become a teacher.

"It shows how much Japan relies on him." Kakashi responded smoothly.

"Yes, well I suppose there's a new era upon us."

Kakashi chose not to think about how Endeavor sounded so much like All for One. "I guess so."

"Are your parents heroes?" He asked.

Todoroki looked at him, also interested in the topic.

"My parents are no longer alive." Kakashi said. "I don't know what they did for work, as they died when I was too young to ask." A lie, but he didn't think that saying "My father was a glorified assassin!" would go over very well.

"I see."

By this time, they'd all finished eating.

"I bought cheesecake... would you like some?" Fuyumi asked as she and Natsuo cleared the table.

Kakashi didn't really like cheesecake, but he didn't want to make things harder for her. "Yes, thank you."

She smiled, then left the room with Natsuo.

"So, how are the girls in your class?"

Kakashi almost spat out his water. Who did this guy think he was? Even though he was the #2 hero, where did he get off thinking he could just ask personal questions like that? "Just like any other females, I'd imagine." Kakashi answered.

"What about you, Shouto? Any girls you like?"

"Ah, no." Todoroki looked down. "I'm not...." He paused. "I'm not looking for a relationship right now."

If not for the situation, Kakashi would have smiled.

"There must be someone." Endeavor grinned, showing too many teeth. Kakashi never liked the man's smile. It always reminded him of Zetsu for reasons he couldn't be sure of.

Todoroki glanced at Kakashi, who was also at a loss of how to respond in this situation. In Konoha, no one gave a damn if you dated a man, woman, both, or neither. Well, the civilians cared, but they were civilians, and more often than not if they got caught saying anything... rude, they would return to their homes with a black eye and a new view on life.

"We haven't been in 1-A for very long, there hasn't been much time to get to know many people." Kakashi said. It was a weak excuse, he knew, but that was all he had in the moment.

Fuyumi entered the room with the cheesecake dishes, and Kakashi was wishing he'd offered to help her serve. Though he was a guest, it was still painful for him to watch Endeavor hand off all the work to his children, and not bothering to help. Fuyumi's hands shook as she handed her father the plate, and Natsuo cringed.

There was fear plaguing the Todoroki household, and soon enough, it would come back to bite Endeavor in the ass

Below is the full house blueprint, I decided not to do a separate thing for the garage because it's just a garage. There's nothing special in there. Still don't know what happened to the lighting in the hallway.

 Still don't know what happened to the lighting in the hallway

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