Why couldn't I be like them?

Me : That'd be great. Could you get your cousins to come around... or do I call Franny and her friends to help...?

This time, Maya sent me a voice message. I adjusted the volume before opening it.

"My cousins are busy," came her voice. "And like Franny would ever want to get her hands dirty. We'll figure it out tomorrow."

Turned out, tomorrow couldn't have come sooner

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Turned out, tomorrow couldn't have come sooner.

It was only the first week of school, but the place was blowing up like mid-term. Posters had begun to show up everywhere, advertising everything from early tutoring lessons to cheerleading practice.

Most people had grown accustomed, but for lazy asses like me, getting out of bed was still the biggest challenge of the day.

It was only too bad the teacher's foul moods from last year hadn't been forgotten. Or morphed into something better.

Take my history teacher for example- the lovely Mr. Mendel.

"Ms. Brien." He said, when he caught me doodling on my notebook. "Last year certainly managed to be a challenge for you. I suggest you concentrate, unless you want to get another C."

A few sniggers erupted, but most of the class stayed quiet. Nobody really liked him.

"I'll listen if you teach properly." I muttered.

Wrong move.

His head whipped towards me, his eyes narrowing.

"What did you say?!"

I glanced around the class. Seriously?
Jenny Simpson was kissing her boyfriend in the last row. But did he see that?

No, obviously. He was too busy writing up my detention slip.

For drawing in my notebook.

Hey, that's what started it.

"Seriously?" Came a voice from behind me. I turned around to see Chase staring up at the teacher.

Wow, I didn't even know he took this class. 

"Mr. Carter," The teacher fumed. "I suggest you keep your opinion to yourself, unless you want a detention too."

Chase got up from where he was leaning in his seat and looked him straight in the eye. "I haven't even begun to mouth off my opinions."

That was it - the last straw.

It was what caused Mr. Mendel to yell "DETENTION!" once again, and then, "TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE. BOTH OF YOU!"

Now, I was all up for detention - gave me a chance to sleep - but the principal's office? No way. He would probably call my mom.

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