Chapter 1

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A/N I do not own any of these stuff. Avenger to Marvel, HoO to Uncle Rick, X-men to Fox or is it Marvel, Beast Quest belongs to Adam Blade, Tales Of Arcadia to DreamWorks and Summoner to Taran Matharu.

New Rome,

It was a month after Apollo became a god again on a dark night, Percy was sleeping in his dorm in New Rome, he had a dream.

There were 6 people standing in front of him but he could not see them clearly. There was a hooded man in a green cloak, the only thing visible was a pair of lips twisted into a cruel smile and his hands were engulfed in green fire.

The next person was a huge man in who wore armour all around him, his eyes were pure white as his fist were clenched and he also radiated a godly aura.

The person next to him was a bald man who wore a suit of purple and gold armour, on his left hand, he wore a golden gauntlet with 6 coloured gems on it.

The next two people, or rather creatures, were the biggest of all 6. The first creature wore nothing but a loincloth around his waist and he had two huge teeth jutting out of his mouth from his lower jaw and was holding a hammer-like staff. The second looked like he was made out of stone, he had two giant horns on his head that faced in opposite directions. He held a giant jagged blade while his one eye glowing a deadly electric blue filled with hate and rage.

The last person was a familiar man that was completely pitch black, he held a sword in one hand and wore Greek armour, under his helmet, there were eyes that was glowing red and a snarl was forming in his mouth...Tartarus...

Then, Percy jolted up in his bed, breathing heavily. He had no idea who they were but he knew one thing... Tartarus was coming, and he had friends.

The next day,
Avengers tower,

Nick Fury was going through paper and document of every person on earth, when he found something...peculiar. He called Maria Hill through the intercom. "Bring me the Avengers."

An hour later, the Avengers filled in... more like what's left of it. Nick scanned through the room. "Where T'Challa?" He asked? "He's at Wakanda, royalty business." Bucky replied. Nick nodded. "Where's Peter?" As if on cue, he smashed through the door with his papers flying out of his hands. "S-So sorry I-I'm late." He said panting, "Oh my gosh, so m-much HOMEWORK!" He screamed, while Sam helped him pick up the paper and patted him on the back. "I know that feel, bro."

Nick gave the file to Scott, who passed it down while Peter was rushing through his homework throughout the meeting. "You are to detain this boy and company back to base." Nick said plainly. "But he is a kid." Wanda replied. When the file came to Peter, he simply passed it on to the next guy. "Who's the boy anyway." He asked not looking up from his work, taking a sip of his coffee. "James Lake Jr." Nick said. Peter spitted out his coffee onto Rhodey. "Not cool, man, not cool."

"What! Jim? What did he do?" He asked (read: screamed) "Oh he didn't do anything wrong, it's just that he looks suspicious, also, try and get his two friends, he is always with them. And Peter, do you know him?" Nick said. "Yeah of course I know him, his mom's a doctor, Aunt May is friends with her." Peter replied. "Good, you'll be the one to talk to them and try to get them along with you guys first but if they show and resistance, don't hesitate to use force." Peter sighed, "Alright, I'll do it."

"If that's settled then meetings over." Nick said. Peter quickly did his homework but when Rhodey slammed his hand on the table in order to get up, the coffee spilled and dunked his homework in coffee. "No no no no no no NO NO NO NO NO!!! I was almost done with Chemistry!" He shouted. "C'mon Pete. Let's catch a Jim." And off they went, Rhodey, Sam, Bucky, Peter, Wanda, Scott, to Arcadia.

Xavier's Institute for Gifted Students,

Xavier called the X-men for a mission. "What is it Xavier?" Kurt asked. "Please don't tell me its those creepy aliens, they almost killed us." Scott said. Suddenly there was a breeze of wind past them. "Hey guys what is it? I heard aliens, is it? Oh wait is it about the new Disneyland? Or that new iPhone 12 Pro Max coming out? Or maybe Scott's getting married?" Pietro asked, only to get lifted into the air only to fall back on his butt by Jean. "Ow I was just asking." He said and in a second, his but was wrapped with duct tape. Everybody looked at him weirdly. "What, duct tape is the most useful thing in the world."

"Now, before I was interrupted by Pietro here it is about-" Charles continued, but was interrupted again by Pietro. "Is Scott gonna be a Dad?" He asked, getting elbowed in the gut and kneed in the crotch by Jean again. "Man, you're strong." He wheezed. And with that, he fell to the ground unconscious.

"Anyway," He said, glaring at Pietro, "I want you to go to Manhattan. Get a boy by the name of Perseus Jackson, he should be with his friends now, if possible you guys can get his friends as they have... extraordinary abilities like you all. I'll give you a picture of him on the plane."

"And I will be going with you." A voice said from behind. "Hello Erik. Glad you could make it old friend. Erik, here, will accompany you, if anything get... out of hand. Now off you go." And they boarded the Blackbird, Ororo, Hank, Scott, Kurt, Jean and Erik off to Manhattan, to find the Perseus Jackson. If only they knew what was coming. "Hey, does anyone feel like we're missing something, or someone?"

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