Chapter 4

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Strange entered the portal and found Sam and Jim in an arm lock and Bucky chock holding Tobey. Strange walked past them and told them. "Hurry up, get them out of here. I've talked to the sorcerers, they'll have to decide."

"Wait, decide what?" Jim asked. Strange looked at them and replied. "If you'll join us, or we'll turn you in. Especially you two," he said pointing to Douxie and Claire. Claire asked, "So what, you're gonna bring us to Azkaban?" Strange chuckled. "Not exactly, it's the Mirror Dimension. The only way you can get out is by the Sling Ring," he said pointing to his fingers that had an object that fitted into two of his fingers. "Or you drew power from the Dark Dimension, but if you did, you would have been executed first."

"Deal." Jim said, "we'll join your team."

"Good. I'm Strange by the way, Doctor Strange. And also, Claire," He said, turning to her. "Your training begins tomorrow at dawn in the training room, you too as well." He pointed to Douxie, and then left. He shouted back, "Don't be late." And he left in another portal. Sam turned around and looked at the four of them. "So, guess I'm stuck with you guys." He said, "Follow me." They looked at each other nervously and started to follow him. "So, what's the deal with you kids." Sam asked, "you in the big three?"

"What big three?"

"You know, the usual, aliens, androids or wizards. Or is it superhuman projects?"

"Uhhhh, wizards." Tobey said. "Wait did you just say superhuman projects?" Sam looked over his shoulder and laughed, "Sure did kid, got quite a few of them. Bucky over here is one of them, and there's Wanda as well, there's Pietro but, no one wants to talk about him."

"What about him?" Jim asked. "He was shot, in the heart, and the legs, and the face, and the whole body. By a fighter plane flown by Ultron." Sam said looking up and sighed. "And if you see Wanda, don't mention him in front of her. He's her twin." They continued walking down the hall until the last room, Sam opened the door and gestured them inside. In there, there were two bunk beds, all of them had pillows and sheets neatly arranged and had an outside view facing the forest. "Dibs on the bottom left one," Tobey shouted as he dived on the bed.

"Now if you need anything just go to the room opposite yours, it's mine." Sam said as the four of them crawled onto a bed each. "What about food," Tobey asked.

"It's shawarma." Sam replied as he closed the door behind him. The four of them looked at each other and Jim asked, "so... what now."


Professor Xavier's Institute for Gifted Children

The bell rang as children walked in and out of their classrooms, people phasing through the doors, flying in the hall, scaring the life out of others. Xavier drove his wheelchair through the halls as the five teenagers followed him. Many people stopped and watched the teenagers in awe, one or two asking Percy and Frank out as Hazel and Annabeth stared at them quite pissed enough. Xavier though, did not mind as he continued talking to them without looking over his shoulder.

"I feel that there's something wrong here, something strange, it will be like nothing we would ever experience. Something worse that hell itself." He said nervously the third time that day. "Something worse that hell himself? That would be hell himself actually." Percy replied. "So you wanna tell us if you have proof for that?"

"One week ago, I found a few people in the forest. Not exactly people, there were monsters. Snake women, huge black hounds, weird things with six arms, and a minotaur... not to mention that those were the few that were seen. I don't know countless others, huge warriors of stone, giants with tusks." He sighed exasperated.

"Not the daily basis of monsters then," Percy said. "Time to go back to camp."

"Wait, take the plane, bring the others. We don't know what else might come."

Meanwhile, in Antarctica

"So... the boy is going to their camp, send our troops there next." A man said, his eyes gleaming with malice. "I still don't understand why you chose this place, Tartarus. It's freezing in here. Not suitable for my men." A gruff man said from the shadows. Another man appeared and sighed, "I have said already, this is the most remote place in this world, away from those puny mortals. Say, Khan, aren't you and your men supposedly dead?"

With a grunt, Khan grabbed Tartarus by his neck and lifted him up. "Boys, calm down, back in our days we don't do this irrational behaviour." A small skinny man said joyously. "Besides, ever since you opened the Doors of Death, some souls escaped from the underworld even though you closed it back, remember? My beasts have been tracking them since, so far they have found two of them and have been on the run. Mine are out. And so is Gunmar's, his can't live in sunlight. Mr Grape-head and Mr life support are out getting their so-called 'recruits'. So it's up to you two."

"Do you have any, any, idea how strong Percy Jackson is, it's like a taboo down there, no one dares talk about him. They talk about how he decapitated them with such boredom, how he dismembered them from limb to limb, how he would run through a whole armada of them, leaving himself unscathed, just because his friend had a paper cut." Tartarus freed himself from Khan as he walked up to the man. The man simply smiled and responded, "Well, it's worth a try."

Near Camp Half-Blood

A boy was running for his life, along with his friend, his horse had ran ahead to warn the others, hoping there was a Child of Poseidon. "Quick! Run! I'll hold them off." He yelled at his friend as she shot her last arrow at the Minotaur. He drew his sword as he sliced the heads of a three headed lion. He screamed ahead of him, "We're almost there! Hurry!" The monsters were catching up, he was nearing the hill, as he jumped and flew through the border.

He saw it like it always was, the lava climbing wall, the twelve cabin, the strawberry fields, the big house. But there were different things as well, more cabins, there was also this squarish arena, with a net in between and kids were hitting a ball across the net and there also was this metal-ish bird next to the big house. Suddenly, everybody stopped what they were doing and stared at them, a teenager looked at them and bellowed, "WE'VE GOT NEW ARRIVALS!!!"

The crowd cheered as a centaur walked up to him and smiled, "Welcome to Camp Ha-" he paused mid sentence, "Tom? Elenna? Is that you? All these years, you look like you never aged, it looks like the legacies of Ares and Mars still live." He said, his eyes tearing. "Hi Chiron, we're back."

"Hey Chiron, who's this?" A teenager asked behind him. The teenager had sea green eyes and black hair. "You. You're a son of Poseidon." Tom said with excitement. Chiron chuckled in his usual fatherly nature. "Yes Tom, that would be Percy Jackson, the Hero of Olympus. He killed the Minotaur at the age of twelve, and it was his first kill as well, sounds familiar?" Tom scratched the back of his head and laughed, "It was nothing."

He shook Percy's hand as Chiron said, "And Percy, this is Tom, he's a legacy of Ares and he was the only one in the world, save his parents, gods bless their souls, who holds the title 'Master of the Beasts'."

"Thanks Chiron but now it's not the time for friendly chat, it's something big. Every single beast I had slain is alive, it's crazy. And our six is not enough." Tom said hurriedly as Chiron interrupted him. "I know, that's why they're here, it looks like the Mist is down."

"No it's not just that, Chiron. It-it's really, really bad ok? The Doors of Death opened but it closed against. A few of us from Elysium saw monsters escalating so we left to try and take them down, we need to find the others. This is bad." A man in dark red walked up to them and said, "I never wanted to call them, but I think it's time to call in the Avengers. They might help."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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