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Kairi didnt show up to school, and Mattia was worried, he didnt know where he was, or who he went home with. Alejandro wasn't there either, which worried him even more. Maybe they're just together he briefly thought.

He decided to call, even though shit was weird between them ever since Kairi had lashed out for no reason.

The phone rung, and the Italian just waited for a response.

"Sorry, this number has bloc—" Mattia groaned and hung up.

why do you even care, tia? why, so you can feel things for him again? so you'll be called fag—

"shut up!" he yelled, thankfully he was in his room and there was no one to witness the mess that was Mattia Polibio.

Meanwhile....Kairi was hanging out with Levi, after telling him that him and Mattia weren't and never will be a thing.

He secretly hoped Mattia thought about where he was. But he wouldn't admit it.

They were listening to Labrinth, while just laying on his bed.

The next month, Kairi and Levi had been hanging out frequently. Levi even attempting to go clean for the smaller. They all hung out with Ale, Alv, and Rob but once they were done hanging out with them, it'd be the two of them, alone.

Nothing has ever happened of course, but they'd both be lying if the other hadn't somehow wished the other would make a move.

Levi and Kai were at the 7-11 getting a slurpee, and some snacks. Levi, paying for everything without hesitation. Once they got outside to get into his car they heard familiar voices laughing and talking.

It was Mattia and the rest of his druggie friends. They both got into the car, not wanting to waste any time, noticing the dirty looks they got from them. Especially Mattia. Ever since Levi decided to be clean they ditched him, especially after knowing that he was throwing it all away for some twink Mattia had used to know

Kairi rolled his eyes, which Mattia definitely noticed. He scoffed and took another hit from his joint.

The car pulled out and they all watch the two boys drive away.

It was Junior year. A year and a half from Mattia and Kairi falling out. They kinda calmed things down after a fight that broke out between Mattia and Levi, cause Levi had called out the taller for leaving Kairi and acting like a dick.

After that, everyone made a truce. Just so the drama would end. Kairi and Mattia used to smile at each other whenever they'd pass each other out of school or in the halls. Now Mattia would look over to Kai and he'd never look back. It was obvious that he'd already moved on from the taller. He wouldn't even glance at Mattia, since he was with a girl like every two/three weeks. It was getting tiring to watch Mattia hurt them or the girls hurting Mattia.

Kairi was now kinda in a relationship with Levi, realizing that Mattia would never reciprocate the feelings he had for him.

Homecoming was coming up, Mattia obviously already had a date. Kairi was asked by Levi to be his date, and of course

  , he said yes.

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