Chapter One

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Your first year of high school was extremely ordinary. You didn't join any clubs and your grades were quite average along with your sporting abilities.

Once your second year came around, you decided you needed a change in your mundane routine.

So you approached Kaori and Yukie and asked to be a manager of the volleyball club alongside them. After all, Fukurodani had been to Nationals for six consecutive years.

Today was only your second day of being manager yet never would you have thought that club activities would be so tiring.

"Good job today!" exclaimed both Kaori and Yukie, patting you on the back.

You groaned, collapsing on the side benches.

You had been constantly running around today, filling water bottles, pumping up volleyball and handing out towels as requested of Kaori and Yukie.

And to torture you even more, they said it was 'only a taste' of what it was like to be a manager.

"Gosh, you'd think (N/N)-chan is the one playing volleyball and not us," remarked Komi jokingly, seeing you lying against the bench. "Look how hard Kaori and Yukie worked you today."

"I don't even want to move anymore," you said half-heartedly.

Yukie slid into the spot beside you. "This is how I felt when Kaori forced me to co-manage with her."

"Hey, I'm just trying to get (N/N)-chan used to the routine, nothing harmful," whined Kaori petulantly.

Konoha snorted. "Look at how exhausted we all are and then you see Bokuto still jumping around like crazy."

"We should leave before we get roped into his extra practice," said Sarukui.

"We should," agreed Washio.

"What do you mean by Bokuto and his extra practice?" you asked.

"Bokuto-senpai always stays behind to practise more," explained Onaga. "No one ever wants to toss for him." He shuddered. "It's never-ending. I feel bad for Akaashi-senpai..."

"Why do you feel bad for Akaashi-san?" you asked curiously

"Akaashi-senpai always stays behind with Bokuto to help him spike."

"Mo, (N/N)-chan, it doesn't matter," said Kaori. "We should go home now."

You shook your head. "Can I accompany Bokuto and Akaashi today? I want to watch their extra training."

"But it's just extra work!" pointed out Kaori.

Yukie looked lazily at Kaori and shrugged. "Just let (N/N)-chan be," she drawled.

"Alright," said Kaori, uncertainty still in her voice.

She grabbed her belongings and began to make her way out of the gym with Yukie and the others.

"Eh? So (N/N)-chan is actually staying?" questioned Bokuto.

"So it seems," stated Akaashi plainly. He turned towards you. "Are you sure you're fine with it, (L/N)-san? You still seem tired from the overall team practice."

You smiled at Akaashi. "It's really okay, Akaashi-san. I think staying behind to overlook your extra practice is a great way for me to get used to my role as a manager."

"I see," he replied.

"AGAASHI!" yelled Bokuto. "Set to me now, pretty please?"

"Alright," answered Akaashi.

He picked a volleyball off the ground and walked towards Bokuto waiting by the net. Akaashi flung the ball high up into the air and Bokuto eyed it intently, shuffling to position before he leapt up and spiked it.

They did this for the next hour or so while you ran around the gym, collecting the stray volleyballs.

"Yessss! That was so good! Akaashi, your tosses are the best! Did you see that, (N/N)-chan?" probed Bokuto.

You gave him a weary smile. "Yeah, I did," you said, flinging a volleyball into Akaashi's hands.

Akaashi, noticing your toned-down voice, frowned. "Bokuto-san, perhaps we should stop now.  It's getting late. (L/N)-san needs to go home now."

"W-what? No, Akaashi-san, it's fine," you insisted. "I can go on for a bit longer. Imagine how much more tiring it is for you guys than me."

"Eh, (N/N)-chan?" exclaimed Bokuto. "You should have told me! Alright, (N/N)-chan, go home! I, as your great senpai, order you!"

"But what about you?"

Bokuto grinned. "I, as a great ace, shall continue practising with Akaa—"

"Actually, Bokuto-san," interrupted Akaashi, glancing at the clock. "It's 5:25pm already. I have to get going now."

Bokuto pouted. "Fine," he said dramatically, slapping a hand over his chest, "leave me here by myself to play against the wall."

Akaashi bowed. "Thank you for your understanding, Bokuto-san. (L/N)-san and I shall get going now. Please remember to pack up the volleyballs and lock the doors."

The two of you walked out of the gym.

"Do you want a towel?" you asked, offering it to him when you noticed his face glistening with sweat.

"Yes, please," he said, taking it from you, his hands brushing against yours.

You looked away, feeling your cheeks heat up. Why was just a slight touch enough to make you this flustered?

"(L/N)-san," called Akaashi. "It's dark now. Would you like me to walk you home?"

"O-oh yes, please."

The two of you walked along the footpath in silence. You looked around, trying to take in the scenery but your eyes couldn't help but wander back to Akaashi.

"Today was tiring, wasn't it?" you said, attempting a conversation.

"Yes, but it's always worth it," answered Akaashi. "Being able to play as a setter for Bokuto-san means more than anything to me. Seeing his strong passion for volleyball is refreshing." A small smile appeared on Akaashi's face.

You smiled as well. Akaashi was always stoic but seeing him open up to you even in the tiniest ways made you glad.

"I'm sure Bokuto loves playing with you as well, Akaashi-san," you said gently. "After all, 'Your tosses are the best!'" you added cheekily.

A chuckle escaped Akaashi's mouth. You froze, transfixed by his laugh.

"Ah, we're here, right?" he stated, looking at the 表札 - hyōsatsu nameplate on one of the houses that read (L/N).

You nodded, bowing. "Thank you for walking me home, Akaashi-san."

"It's okay, (L/N)-san. It was a pleasure," he said, returning the bow before he started to walk off.

You stared longingly at his retreating figure, wishing he would turn around for a split second to meet your eyes.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Why is Akaashi so perfect??? 😌🖤

Why are 2D men so attractive lmao??? I can't even.

Why is reader-chan so cute here??? My heart can't take this. This is fluff-overdose for me.

My Sweet Setter (Akaashi x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon