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You groaned, feeling nauseated as you leaned over the toilet bowl.

I can't believe it...I'm pregnant...came the thought as vomit came out of your mouth again.

The symptoms were clear already: a missed period, nausea, supposed morning sickness but you brought a pregnancy test regardless.

It was no surprise when two lines appeared on the tiny stick. A wave of emotions surged through you.

You were happy, excited that you could finally start a family with Akaashi yet a part of you felt uncertain. You and Akaashi never exactly talked about when you planned to have children.

You heard a knock on the door. Your eyes widened. Akaashi was home already!

"Tadaima!" he called out as he took off his shoes.

He furrowed his brow when he wasn't met with you barrelling towards him, welcoming him home.

"(F/N)? Where are you?" asked Akaashi, concern laced in his voice. "Are you okay?"

"I'm f-fine," you answered.

You took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart. Gathering yourself, you exited the bathroom.

"Okaeri, dear," you greeted back, wrapping your arms around him. Akaashi pecked you on the side of your head and pulled away.

"How was work today?" you asked, trying to divert your mind from your earlier discovery.

You weren't ready to tell him that you were pregnant at all. You still hadn't even processed it yourself.

Akaashi's eyes narrowed and a slight frown appeared on his face."What's wrong, dear?" he asked. "Something's up."

You stiffened. How would you break the news to him?


"(F/N), you can tell me anything you know," he said softly.

You bit your lip, trying to calm your racing heart. "...W-Well, y-you see, I—" you stammered. "...I'm p-pregnant..."

A look of shock crossed his face. "You're pregnant?" he repeated.

You nodded, not looking him in the eye. "Are you happy about it?"

Akaashi didn't say anything. Instead, he dropped his bag and embraced you in a hug.

"I'm going to be a father. A father," he whispered into your ears in an awed tone. "We're going to start a family...together..."

A trembling laugh escaped your lips. "We're going to be parents, Keiji."

Akaashi hugged you tighter.

"I'm going to get so moody, Keiji, so please take care of me," you said light-heartedly.

Akaashi nuzzled his face into your neck.

"I love you, (F/N). I love you so, so much." You felt tears wet your neck. Akaashi was crying. "Of course I will look after my darling wife."

And Akaashi was true to his word. He worked from home as much as possible to help relieve your added stress of pregnancy.

He did all the laundry and cooked all your meals. When you threw up in the mornings, he was always there, comforting you and rubbing your back soothingly.

The both of you would often think about being a parent. At night the both of you would cuddle on the couch or bed.

You were extremely grateful for him and his clear love for you and the child. This wasn't shown more then one particular day in your second trimester.

My Sweet Setter (Akaashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now