+ you ain't my boyfriend

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"next up performing, 24k." the announcer announced.

"minho, you're girlfriend's performing." taemin said.

which caused his eyes to widened.

"no, i think they're just 'friends' or whatever he says it is." key added which made onew laugh.

they started to perform.

"...uri jom insanghae

she finished center and the formation led to their next song.

"shy, shy, shy." which the entire place said as its an iconic line.

once they finished they rushed off the stage.

"that was fun!" r.u. said.

"it really was!" jisoo added.

"im hungry!" mia said.

"ah, me too."

"we should go out later with the other groups."

"oh yeah, the other groups were talking about it earlier."


they went out after the show to where many idols go to celebrate called "Lite Night". A very neon colored based place. night club. fun.

sihyeon and jisoo are the only members who don't drink cause it gives them headaches.

"you don't like minho, right?" sihyeon asked as they were sitting on a couch.

"me, oh no. i could never." she laughed.

"really, well can i tell you something then?"

"sure, what is it?"

"i think he's kind of cute." she whispered.

"you think so?" jisoo laughed.

"yeah, i saw him performing and thought wow."

"let him know how you feel, he'd be nicer to you than he is to me."

"okay, just wanted to tell someone cause i've been thinking about this for awhile."

"yeah, go for it. im rooting for you, and isn't he here?"

"i think so."

"don't worry, ill go find him for you. i won't say anything but ill lure him over here."

"okay, you got this." she got up and went to look for him.

she spotted him after looking all around the place. he was on the balcony.

"bestie!" she greeted him.


"yes, anyways, i have news for you!" she cheered.

"what is it?"

"somebody likes you~"

"i knew you liked me-"

"first of all, it's not me, but it's a member in my group, she wants to tell you... right now."

"right now? who is it?"

"i told her i wouldn't say anything, nosy."

"you already said a lot-."

"it's sihyeon, pretty girl right?"

"i don't see myself dating her."

"well I see it cmon~" she begged.


"wouldn't you want me to be happy?" she told him.

"not really."

she rolled her eyes.

"then i guess im not leaving until you do." she sat next to him.

"fine by me."

"please~ i told her that id get you to go to her. ill be nice to you."

"no, you won't."

"you're right." she laughed.

"why don't you wanna go see her at least, you don't even have to talk to her just wave or something."

"fine, only cause you keep bugging me."

"good, let's go, shall we."

he groaned as she pulled his arm inside the building and to sihyeon.

"look who i found sitting a lone in the cold?"

"oh, h-hi." she slightly bowed.


"imma leave you too together."

"no, you're staying." minho put his arm over her shoulder.

she sighed.

"i like your dress, sihyeon, it's brings out the color in your eyes." he told her.

jisoo side eyed him as he is not the type to say anything like that.

"oh, thank you." she smiled.

they talked for awhile and jisoo was the third wheel.

suddenly their manager came and it was time for them to go.

"okay, bye minho." sihyeon said.

"bye, see you around." he waved.

jisoo got up and left.

"no goodbye."


you ain't my boyfriend // choi minho Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu