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Webby's POV

What happened to my parents? Were they spies like granny? Did they leave me with granny for an important reason? Were they...Bad guys? 

Or worse, were they dead?!

NO! That COULDN'T be true! Right??? It's not like she ever asked about them or even noticed their absence. 

But then again, she was just jumping to conclusions.

Louie's POV 

OH MY GOD!!!!! Mom is here. Man! I have so much to tell her. 

"I can't believe mom is here!!" I squealed. 

"Me neither!!" Dewey and Huey said at the same time and then paused." Whoa, that was creepy. Is this how ducks feel around us when we do that?" Huey asked.

"I'm guessing yes." Dewey said sarcastically.

 As I ignored their weird conversation, I continued, "We and mom have so much to talk about, like-""Like your crush on Webby?" Dewey interrupted.

I froze. I don't have a crush on Webby, just a slight obsession over her. 

Ok, I do have a crush on Webby. And it is very hard. I mean, have you ever had a crush on your best friend? Exactly! Having a crush on your best friends is hard as hell! Especially when it comes to having a crush on Webby! I can barely talk to her about, anything!!!!!

"Taking about Webby, does anyone know where she is?" I mumbled trying to change the subject.

"Dewey leave Louie alone! And now you mention it, I haven't seen her since before we saw mom." Huey responded.

"Maybe she felt a little lonely since we were hanging out with mom." Huey guessed.

"Your right, we should go to her room to see if she is ok" Dewey said. 

*Time skip brought to you by Donalds feet*

Webby's POV


"I wonder who that could be," I wondered out loud. When I opened the door, I was greeted by the triplets who wore genuinely concerned faces.

"What's wrong guys?" I questioned gesturing them to come in. "It's ok to be jealous" Dewey said to me. Why would they think I am jealous?

"Why would I be jealous, and jealous of who?!" I asked surprised.

"Wait, so you weren't feeling ignored when we were spending time with mom?" Huey asked as he sat on the bean bag chair.

That sentence sure tickled my funny bone. 

"Of all the ducks, why in the whole wide world would I be jealous of your mom??!!" I say with stifles of laughter.

Louie's POV

Wow. I feel embarrassed. Scratch that. Very embarrassed!

"Then why did you leave, after mom came?" I said trying to hide my embarrassment. 

"Because I thought you needed some alone time with your mom!" She said finally bursting out in laughter.

I gotta admit, she looks so adorable when she laughs. Even though she is laughing at us. As she continuously laughs, I see a picture of two people on her desk.

"Who are they?" I question going over to the desk to observe the picture closely. Before I can hold the picture, Webby snatches it from my grasp laughing nervously.

"No one." She finally responds.  

I look at my brothers and then back at Webby.

"You're lying" we say in unison.

Webby's POV

CRAP CRAP CRAP!!!! If they figure out who they are, I will never hear the end of it!!!

"Whaaaat?? Guys, I'm not lying" I lie. 

Why do I feel so dirty. It's not like my parents are their business. But then again they did tell me about their mom.

"Yeah right!" Dewey snaps me out of my thoughts.

"You're right, I am lying. Those people on the photo are-"



LOVE    R E Y L O 4 L I F E

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