To Who's Love was like a Lies

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Love is not lies it must be full of care, efforts, pure heart, experience, importance and real things all over the air. When you fall in love and experience it the more you understand about it. But don't make things faster, you need to know the Real Love OR True Love learn to make you that feel and don't regret it. If ever you hurt just stay strong and be faithfull for your self. Everybody deserves to be hurt not only woman or man, girlfriend's or boyfriend's and what because the point here is that "Did you aready ask your self if you haven't hurt any person or anything else yet? and are you a perfect person to always feel what and how Love and Happiness in life are use to be happen?"

The answer is no, your not perfect cauz everybody do sins and cannot be perfect like as the son of man is. We people are a sinners even if were just like a fetus in yous Mom's tummy.

We can feel the happiness and love to others but not always like that.

There is a time where you need to be challenge and sacrifice some things.

And about love:

If people show love onto you don't assume that it will be last forever. There's any kind of love. Like Romacing, True Love or Love lies and such. There is also love on your family and friends wich is very much different into loving special someone.

The more you hate! The more you love?

It's happen to me & that was also in what the Bible's say. Yeah! you also love your enemy whether you like it nor not.
Remember to accept things.

This is a story "To Who's Love was like a Lies"

Again Beware of Love Lies.

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