Jack sat down "I don't know how shes alive, but I did sense an angelic presence besides the baby's within her. And I helad her." He said, the last part with a smile.

Sam walked over to you holding your baby in his arms, he bent down and you smiled gently grabbing her and cradling her. You smiled tears in your eyes, she looked absolutely perfect. She had Castiel's lips and your nose, you could see the little tuft of dark brown hair that matched Castiel's and you smiled. You watched as her little eyes flickered open, and your eyes brightened. She had Castiel's angelic blue eyes, she was almost a spitting image of her father despite the little details that matched yours.

"She's almost a spitting image of Cas." You whispered.

"Yeah, chick version though." Dean said.

"Where is feathers by the way?" Crowley questioned.

Your heart dropped, and you pulled your gaze away from you beautiful daughter and looked up at Crowley with teary eyes.

"Azzamath." You choked out.


"Azzamath, he's alive." You whispered.

"Bullocks." He muttered before disappearing.

"What are you gonna name the little dear?" Rowena asked, wanting to change the subject hoping to cheer you up.

You looked down at the little girl as she stared at you with absolute awe, your heart swelled.

"Celeste. Ceecee for short." You said, looking back up a tear slipping down your cheek.

Sam who was nearby smiled "Cas would love it." He said.

Jack nodded "I like it." He said happily.

You smiled and looked back down at your daughter, she still had her eyes at you. And you watched as her eyes glowed a dull blue around the pupil, your eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh." You whispered.

Soon everyone was huddled around your child watching in amazement, her eyes continued to glow as she stared up at you.

"Fascinating isn't." A unfamiliar voice sounded from across the table.

Your chair was pulled back and you where pulled from your seat by Sam, he pushed you behind him and you heard a gun cock. You cradled your daughter closer, unsure of what the hell was happening.

"Chuck." You heard Dean growl.

'Wait....Chuck, as in god?' You questioned, in your head of course.

"Yes Y/n, as in....God." He said.

"What do you want?" Sam asked.

"I came to visit my darling grandchildren." He said.

"Last time you paid a visit, you killed Jack." Dean hissed coldly.

"Yes yes, but that was all a misunderstanding. I'd just like to see the girl, I hear that Castiel is the father. I'm so sorry about his passing." Chuck ranted.

You stepped forward "Can you bring him back?" You asked.

Chuck frowned "Unfortunately, I have no access to the empty." He said.

Suddenly Jack gasped quietly, and quickly ran off somewhere.  You sighed looking down at the blue eyed little girl in your arms, she had fallen asleep she had a grasp on your ring finger that lay rested on her stomach.

"Well, you've seen her so you can leave." Rowena said, finally speaking up.

"Well, I'd still like to meet the girl." He said.

Dean laughed "How the hell are we supposed to trust you? Might we add once again, you killed Jack because you where afraid of him." He said.

Everything was getting too overwhelming for you, all your emotions where mixing together at once and it felt horrible. The room was absolutely crowded, and you where still in pain from pushing out a very powerful child from your body.

You sighed "I'm going to go rest for a while, it's been a long long night." You said, before quickly retreating to your room.


Meanwhile Jack stood in the bunkers dungeon "Billie, it's Jack. I need Uhm- I need a favor." He said.

"What could it be that you possibly want?" A voice said.

Jack spun around, and there stood Billie or well Death. She was leaned against the wall, her scythe beside her.

"Castiel, I need you to get him from the empty." Jack said.

She sighed "First Crowley now you?" She asked, "Kid, I've already made a deal with Crowley. Castiel shall be back soon, as I've already promised." She said.

Jack's eyes lit up with happiness, and he smiled "Thank you Billie." He said.

She gave a short curt nod and vanished, Jack quickly exited the room heading down to yours to tell you the good news. When he opend up your door he could see you laying down, Celeste was held close next to you. Instead of being left to sleep I'm her crib which was in the corner of the room, near your bed. He slowly closed the door, not wanting to wake the either of you. He smiled happily 'Maybe for once we'll have a win.' He thought excitedly.


Chapter thirty-two

I hope yall enjoyed this shit, cas shall be back soon.

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