L.Jh + C.Ch (1/2)

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Lee Jaehyun
Choi Chanhee


Soulmates! In a world where soulmates exist,

you can feel what your soulmate's emotions at any time but it mostly happens when you reach 5 or 6 y/o.

Hyunjae and Chanhee are both part of the group THE BOYZ

and they don't know that they're



HELLOU EVERYONE!!!! this is the first oneshot that i write
in my life and i'm really excited to show you guys my idea
i hope that you enjoy reading this one-shot!!
love ya'll and don't forget to leave requests!! you can dm me
for requests too!!
(this was inspired from an au I found on YouTube)


Hyunjae remembers it clearly, the first time it happened, he was 6 years old. He was happily playing with his friends, under his mother's watch, when suddenly he felt a wave of sadness take over him.... He started crying for no reason so his mom rushed to him while asking "what's wrong Jaehyun? why are you crying" but he kept saying "I don't know... But it hurts so much." He felt it in his heart but his head didn't have a reason for it...

You see... Hyunjae feels what his soulmate feels emotionally. But it's so random that he sometimes loses his sleep.... Like he'll be trying to sleep then suddenly he feels a rush of sadness or excitement... And just like that... There goes his precious sleep...then sometimes he'll be sad, but he'll feel it...more intensly because they're sad too.... it makes him more sad knowing that they're sad

Hyunjae noticed that there was a moment where the emotion that he felt the most was sadness.. but that sadness didn't go away...he still felt the sadness through his happiness... He really wants to know why his soulmate felt sad.. How were things going for him to be affected till now... he doesn't know who it is... he wants to know so that he can make them happier

sometimes hyunjae is depressed.. but it's weird... he'll feel better because in that moment, they're happy. it's bittersweet but he really wants to know who it is.

the day hwall left the group, everyone was depressed.... hyunjae was really sad, but the feeling was different that time, it was like he was hurting for two people, not just him...imagine trying to breathe for two people (now that was a bad example but you get the point). he felt like he was holding more than just his own feelings. 'i don't think the timing was a coincidence, i felt it. he was feeling and experiencing the same as me...one of the members has got to be my soulmate..' .

most of the members were tired and sick that day, they were all going to go out after practice. he wanted to go since they don't go out that much, but no one was home to keep the others company and to take care of them.

'should i go with chanhee, sangyeon,
Younghoon, Changmin, juyeon and jacob


Go back to the dorms to kevin, sunwoo, eric and haknyeon'

Hyunjae decided to stay at the dorms, sunwoo, eric and haknyeon are playing games so hyunjae visits kevin first

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