"Okay, so we get a new plan," Brooke said.

"Correct, five of you occupy yourselves as you will... Perhaps cleaning?" He turned to Brooke and Emma, "You two and I go in with the assistant of a helpful dead people. I can extend their aura, if you will, I'm guessing you'll be able to assistant in extending their aura. So that three living souls can get through Hades' barrier," Gold said.

"Wait a minute, yesterday, you hid in your shop. Today, you're gonna lead the charge to find a man that you hate?" Brooke questioned.

"Yeah, because I realised that if I don't step in, we are never gonna get home and I want very much to get home to my wife," Gold said.

"Okay, so how do we get a helpful dead person to loan their aura so we can confront the god of the Underworld himself?" Emma asked.

"You leave that to me, I've got someone in mind. Someone I've known for a long time," Gold said.


Brooke and Emma waited for Gold and the helpful soul to join them. Brooke was looking into her compact mirror looking at Alicia sleeping in August's arms. She smiled and Emma gave her a one-arm hug, looking at her niece.

"Miss Swans," Gold said and Brooke and Emma looked at them, "I hope your daughter is well, but we have a pressing matter to attend to. There's someone I'd like you both to meet," He said and Milah walked towards them, "This is Milah, my ex-wife, Hook's ex, and also Baelfire's mother, of course. Emma knew him as Neal, they had a torrid affair, which resulted in a scandalous teenage pregnancy, in prison," Gold said.

Emma and Brooke looked shocked at Gold's words, "Yeah, well..." Emma said uncomfortably.

"And this is Brooklyn, the girl I know you about. Recent lover of Hook, she knew Bae as a teenager and as Neal. They were in Neverland together, where she met Hook age the age of 6 and they fell in long 22 years later. Now have a baby girl, who she's left behind," Gold said and looked at Milah, "I'm sure you three will get along."

Brooke glared at Gold in anger and being uncomfortable and Emma pulled Brooke back before she did something she'd regret. The twins looked at Milah who looked at them shocked, "So, you've been with my former lover," Milah said looked at Brooke, "Had a baby with him and knew my son?" Milah turned to Emma, "And you've been with my son and had his baby? Is that about right?" She asked.

Brooke saw Gold smirking amused and she flicked her wrist and sent Gold backwards, "Brooke," Emma said.

"I'm sorry, his smirk was getting on my nerves. I might be the sorceress but even I have my limits," Brooke said and looked at Gold who's walking about to them and smiled sweetly.

"I'm sure we're gonna laugh ourselves sick about all this one day. I suggest you follow me before this get even more awkward," Gold said as he and Milah walked away.

"Too late," Brooke said and she followed them with Emma by her side.

Later, the four made their way to what is Brooke's future home that Killian picked out for them, It was where the entrance to hell's underground is located.

"The way is in here?" Emma asked.

"So, what, the gates of hell are in my future home?" Brooke asked.

"As was the Stone of Excalibur. The pirate has a knack for targeting real estate with hidden value, Gold said.

The four enter the house and saw that is was abandoned. Two baby cradles stood in one of the rooms, with toy stuffed bear and tigers underneath.

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