extra #3

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the following chapter is inspired/based off of @teacupweeb's tiktok account, they have an adorable little oc for hawks' son, sora. please check them out!!

"come, y/n! we have a little something to show you!" hawks said, grabbing you by your wrist and tugging you to the balcony. there, you spotted hawks' clone, your son. keigo lifted the little boy up, whispering in his ear. "c'mon baby, show mom what i showed you. you can do it, right?"

the boy nodded as you watched suspiciously. then, hawks threw him off of the balcony fence. "keigo!" you screamed, already with one leg over the balcony to jump off. but before you could, your son had already flapped his own wings up. "do not ever jump off the balcony again, you got that? you don't want to become a bird brain like dad, okay?" you grabbed him from under his arms and pulled the little boy into your arms.

"you're right, mommy! i don't want to be a weirdo like daddy," he snickered, snuggling into your neck.

"hey- what did you say?" hawks took him out of your arms, ticking him. you rolled your eyes and took him back.

"your dad wants to see his boyfriend, so you'll need to go with him to see uncle dabi."

"uncle dabi? he's gonna set me on fire again! daddy, come help me get ready! i want to see uncle dabi!"

keigo laughed, placing his arms to rest on your shoulders. "what do you mean 'boyfriend,' kid?"

"oh shush, i know you guys secretly want to elope and kidnap my son from me." you teased, kissing keigo's cheek.

"i would never.."

"dabi, i'm here to pick up my two children."

"come on in, elsa," he said, opening the door wider. "they're over there, hawks passed out, the little bird on his chest while watching tv."

suddenly, 'the little bird' sneezed, sending out snowflakes everywhere and his little white wings flapping. you rushed over, grabbing him from the irresponsible father's chest and feeling his forehead right away. "are you sick? what did uncle dabi and your father do to you, baby? are you okay?"

"i'm okay! i promise! all we did was set fires and then dabi dropped me from the bunk bed over and over again! it was fun, mommy!"

you snapped your head over to the burnt man, slowly rubbing the back of his neck. "you did what with my son?" you lightly kicked keigo's chest, causing him to groan and wake up. "the kid is never going to be alone with either of you ever again, got that?"

"mommy's going to hang out with uncle dabi and daddy and me? yay!!"

scowling, you held him closer to your chest. "are you cold? before i met chicken man over there, i got cold all the time. are you okay?"

"yes, i got cold a little bit and uncle dabi almost set my shirt on fire! it was so cool, and then daddy yelled at him and chased him with feathers for a reaaaaally long time!"

"glad to know your dad isn't a complete lunatic. dabi, thanks for watching keigo and the kid, i guess. your boyfriend is sleeping over tonight, i brought kfc and sushi. make sure you ruffle his feathers before he goes to bed and that you don't stay up too late watching movies like last time."

"got it. watching the man-baby."

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