part three - sidekick

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hawks was flying, barely missing a building when he fire all seemed to disappear. when he finally made it to the crime scene, he spotted his ex-student and a war quirk pro hero - lakes. they were being interrogated by multiple reporters, shoving their cameras into their faces.

"lakes, is this your new sidekick or partner?" a reporter pushed a microphone into the young male hero's face. "you two did save the day against the fire-spreading villain."

"well, no. but we did make a great team, didn't we, snow fairy?"

y/n giggled and nodded. "we'll be waiting for you two heroes to it!" after the reporters had gotten their dose of answers, they left.

she looked behind her sneakily and threw a thumbs up at the water quirk superhero.

"so, do you have a partner or sidekick? we make a great team, and if i do say so myself, you're kind of cute," he placed his hand on her shoulder.

behind the two young heroes was hawks, watching the scene from afar. he couldn't let the person he fought with and trained for so long be stolen from another pro hero.

"she has one, it's me." he forced out, floating down from above. "she's my partner, but good luck finding one, waterboy! let's go, kid."

he grabbed her by her wrists and flew off and away. they had reached a high enough rooftop where they could talk alone.

"look, kid, i shouldn't have kissed you. i'm sorry, alright? i guess.. i'm pretty dependent on you and miss your company. i'm sorry."

"let me bitch slap you, you deserve it. and apologize more before i twist your arm behind your head until you cry like that boy from ua."

"alright, fine. i'm sorry, i'm a fucking bastard and you can bitch slap me. but be careful; they're both my good sides."

"oh don't worry, hawks. i'll make sure you don't have any good sides anymore."

"at least leave the left side!"

"maybe i'll forgive you if you forget everything. if you forget that i like you and if you forget that we even kissed, okay?"

hawks nodded his head happily like a little kid. "but before i pretend like i forgot, keep calling me keigo, kid. and we're gonna tell the public about us so that we don't get any more reporters thinking you're his sidekick - or anyone else's but mine."

"and here she is, my student, y/n l/n. you can call her lumi. you might recognize her as the one that fought alongside lakes in the battle against those villains a couple days back."

"i thought she was going to be lakes' sidekick? they did work spectacularly well together!"

keigo bit back an insult. "she's been working with me for a while. ever since the whole feline incident all those months ago. isn't that right, kid?"

"is she gonna be your sidekick once she finishes your training?"

"if she wan-"

"if anything, mr. reporter, he's the sidekick!" she smiled with her eyes closed. "if we do decide to become partners after i finish my hero training, i'm the hero, he's the sidekick.. isn't that right, hawks?"

he chuckled with a fake tone. "thats funny, pipsqueak. real.. fucking funny."

"and what are you gonna do about that?"

five more months have passed since hawks had told he public about y/n. they could now fight the villains without her having to hide under his jacket or in the trash. throughout those five months she had gone through very many fights in which she almost always ends up really cold.

hawks pov

4:32 - she'd been fighting beside me for a long time now and training with me. that little kid, y/n. i was thinking to myself as i threw one of my red feathers at the dart board in my office. right now she was off in the supermarket, getting some yummy chicken. she'd always make fun of me and call me a cannibal for eating chicken, but it's alright, its damn good.

5:16 - she should've been home by now with my chicken. where the hell is my fried chicken?

7:19 - i think i'm gonna go crazy. she hasn't brought the chicken home yet and we would've already had dinner already. where is she and where is my chicken? i swear to god, y/n, if this is some sick joke you owe me extra chicken.

11:10 - fuck the chicken, where's y/n. she should be back by now. i've tried to call her cell multiple times and send her texts but she hasn't replied or even read the messages yet. i'm conflicted on whether or not to fly around the city to look for her.

3:02 - its my third time sweeping the city. she's no where to be found. i even checked the supermarket more than once and she's not even there. she might joke around and make fun of me but when she promises something she never forgets it.

i phoned dabi and asked him to help. we've been buddies for more years than i can remember and he owes me. he has agreed to help so he and i are now sweeping the city one last time before we tell the public about her disappearance.

its been three fucking weeks and she hasn't shown up yet. the public knows about her and the pro heroes are looking for her. i'm not even upset about the chicken anymore - i haven't even had any since she went missing. dabi and i have been searching for clues and theres nothing to be found. if she's been kidnapped, i'm going to fucking rip their heads off of their necks. i can't let the public know that i'm upset about her to the point where i can't even take care of myself anymore so i make sure i look presentable before i leave.

"hawks, we've got a phone call. you might want to listen to it," dabi said calmly, holding the phone and handing it to me.

"our pro hero hawks. a little lovebird. we have your little ice princess-"

"where the hell is she? i swear i will tear your fing-"

"we don't have to do anything with her, she's already weakened herself! thats the funny thing, she put up quite a fight when we first tried to take her.. now she's freezing! isn't that funny, hawks?" the second they spoke about her quirk and her problems, i shook in anger. i could barely even make out the words coming out of he guy on the other side - all i wanted two do was push them into a pool of lava after they found diamonds.

"the fuck do you want with the two of us? i want her back alive and well, or i'll make this more of a public problem."

"you think i'll tell you with that measly little threat? as if. maybe if you listen to my rules, i'll give them back."

he'd sputter out some address and i'd written it down on my paper. the call disconnected and i was left with a address that me and dabi were going to find.

your pov

i was freezing. they left me on a chair, tied. the only reason why i couldn't fight the villains was because 1. i was desperately trying to keep hawks' chicken safe. 2. i was outnumbered. and 3. the villain i was fighting had a quirk in which he could mess up mine.

it felt as if my entire body was frozen - the cold was too much to handle but there was no way i was going to die to my own quirk. hawks was surely looking for me and had been freaking out, theres no denying that.

hawks. yeah, i still liked him. how could you not? maybe if i actually noticed that he was playing with my feelings i wouldn't still like him.

the villains that had took me let me shower and clean myself up, but then i would be back to tied to a chair. i had tried to run away when i was showering multiple times - all ending in me getting hit and tied back to the chair. this time, i had a better plan.

i used my slow to unbalance the wooden chair i was siting in. when it finally tipped over, my hands were close enough to the rope that i could untie it. once i was finally free, i grabbed some dumb cloth on the floor and wrapped it around my body - desperately trying to find some sort of warmth. sneaking out of the room and going into the room right next to it, i ready myself to jump. yes, i had to use my quirk that one time again so i wouldn't die of fall damage.

unfortunately, the place i was being held at was in the middle of a forest so i couldn't exactly ask anyone for help. it looked around noon so they would be coming in and trying to feed me disgusting soup and bread. i'd have to hurry if i wanted to find hawks.

sidekick || hawks ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora