part one - my hero!

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the young girl was casually strolling through the dark alley, petting a black cat that she had spotted. wearing her signature winter clothes, a blue furry jacket, a white scarf, mittens, and earmuffs set. however, it was spring. why was she wearing the winter clothes?

her quirk was snow. she could create snow out of thin air - but she gets frostbite and is always cold.

rubbing the cat's ears, she whispers, "aren't you a lucky one, mr. cat? to be covered in soft fur is all i need right now, it's freezing."

one second the girl blinks and when she reopens her eyes, the cat is swirling with a glowing purple light. y/n backed away and readied her hand for combat.

"my my, you sure do know how to pet a cat!" the black cat was no longer a cat. it was a woman with long, sleek dark purple hair, with a black cat tail and ears. not to mention her whiskers that she could control the length of. "but you don't assume genders, dear. could you pet me again?"

the young girl somehow raised her hand to pat the human cat's head. the girl could no longer control her hand. she could hear the cat's soft purring. y/n knew exactly who this cat was. noir, a cat shifter quirk. she was petting a villain!

y/n was smacking her head in her mind. why did she choose to pet a cat - when theres a cat villain on the loose? i guess her weakness really is cute and soft animals.

noir - the cat shifter. she could become an adorable black cat and persuade them to pet her soft fur. but be warned, with one pet, she could control your hands for a certain amount of time.

inside the young hero's head was worries and thoughts about how she could contact people with her hands stuck on the feline's head. when she finally regained control of her hands, she jumped backwards, pulling her hands off of the cat.

"aw, i already miss it.." noir frowned, standing up straight. "you know who i am, right, child?"

y/n nodded. point, aim.. shoot! she blasted a ball of snow at the cats face, but noir dodged it. "i was wondering why you were wearing such clothes on a nice sunny day! you have an impressive quirk, child!"

the hero frowned, tugging off her gloves and throwing it to the side. she blasted another snowball at noir's body, only hitting her chest.

y/n l/n, chose a hero name - lumi. snow in finnish. quirk: snow. she could create snow out of nothing and solidify it hard enough to hurt. two or more of the hits on the same spot can cause temporary paralyzation. drawbacks: frostbite and headaches from the coldness. she wasn't like elsa, the cold did bother her.

"that hurt! i much preferred it when you were petting me.." noir smirked, sending her tail out to catch the young hero. "maybe when i get you, you'll pet me again."

the tail wrapped around y/n, swirling around the hero. "got you!" noir smiled and pulled her tail towards her own black leather suit.

"kid, haven't you heard that black cats are bad luck?"

the smooth voice could only belong to one person - hawks. the  y/n looked up and the hero was flapping his wings above the cat. "will you let go of the little ice princess, cat?"

"hawks! the more the merrier! you two will pet me until i purr myself to death!" she snickered, releasing the girl and aiming her tail at the winged hero.

the tail wrapped around hawks, and his wings were forced closed. he smirked and harshly pulled his wings out and ripped the tail right into two. noir winced in pain, her green eyes narrowing.

as noir was about to send out another flirty thread, the 'little ice princess' sends countless snowballs at the cat's arms. the eyes of the villain and hero snapped to her. "kid, i suggest you go run. i'll take care of this!"

"we'll see about that, chicken!" noir screeched, jumping onto a building. if y/n hadn't grown those snowballs at the cat, noir would've been clawing at the heroes. "remember, cats always land on their feet! i might not be able to move my arms, but cats don't need their arms!"

the hero flapped his wings and flew up to the cat, who was now falling off the building. he desperately tried to grab the cat before she could reach the ground, it would be much easier to catch a villain falling than fighting.

hawks had grabbed her by the last part of her tail. "that hurts! let me go! if you wanted me, you could've asked nicely and i would've let you had all of me!"

he smirked at the feline, "no can do, kitty." and handed her to the police who were already there. "now, where's that little ice princess?" he flew down back into the alley gently, spying on the girl desperately tugging her gloves back on.

the young female hero felt a large piece of fabric fall onto her shoulders. she didn't recognize it, but tugged it closer to her body to keep her warm.

"you okay, kid?"

she frantically nodded, wrapping the jacket around her even tighter. "hawks, will you be my mentor? please?!" her eyes were gleaming of hope and adoration. she was ignoring the thought in the back of her head talking about how hot the hero looked.

the question left him speechless.

"i was useless back there, but my drawback is torturing me right now. i could use a cool hero like you to help, please?"

he stuttered out, "s-sure.. but you weren't useless. if you hadn't paralyzed the cat's arms, she would've clawed by eyes out. you still cold, kid?" hawks stretched his wings out and covered her.

as she snuggled into his jacket and wings she thought, "i have a mentor and now i can finally be the hero he wanted me to be."

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