The bell rings and I hear him sigh and jump off the counter, "Probably the delivery guy. Wait at the table." He says and I do so, already accepting the fact that this would be the most awkward lunch of my life.


In the evening, I take a drive up to the hill again. It's like my place of calm now. Like the dock is to Luke. I wonder if he ever goes there alone like I come here now. He probably does. That's what he always did before I came along.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I check to see that it was mom. I bite my lip and answer it, "Hey mom."

"Hey sweetie, how are you?" She asks and I shrug, "Good, I guess." "So you really are not fine." She states and I frown, "Who told you that? Why would you think that?" I really hope dad didn't tell her this to rub it in her face. If he did, I will never be able to forgive him, I swear!

"Luke did. And so did Liam and..David." 

My mouth parts open and I make a mental note to kill all of them as soon as I get home. Why would they do this? "So tell me, Brooks, what happened?" She asks and I sigh, "Nothing mom, I'm fine. I'll deal with it." "Sweetheart from what I've heard, you've been trying to deal with it for a week and have just been getting worse. You didn't even tell Harper and Liam?" She asks, in a surprised tone.

"Mom, just please. I really don't want to burden you with this." I say and she sighs, "Brooklyn, I had you go through so much in your early teen years, the least I can do is help you when you need someone to talk to."

"Mom the divorce was not your fault, okay? You were not responsible for it in anyway. Don't even think you are for a second you were! It was dad's fault! And that lady!" I remark, angrily. 

"Does your mood have something to do with them, Brooklyn?"She asks and I freeze. Shit did I say something about them? God, I don't even remember what I said, words just spurred out of my mouth. Shit!

"So by your silence, I take that it is. Now tell me what happened." She orders. I look down, "Mom I don't know how you'll take this." I say softly. "What, Brooklyn?" She asks and I sigh, biting my lip and looking up at the sky, "Dad's getting married, mom."

Silence takes over and I curse myself internally. What was I thinking telling her about it? Obviously she wouldn't take it well! Brooklyn you are the worst daughter ever. Oh god, now she's going to just blame herself for it. She always does that and I don't like it.

"To whom?" She asks after some time, "Do I know her?" I nod, "She has blonde hair. Long blonde hair and um...looks about 45 years of age. They've-" I gulp, "They've been together for...4 years."


"The lady your father cheated on me with." Mom says, ever so casually, taking me by surprise. "What do you know about her?" She asks. "Her name's Catherine...she has a son also. She's a single mother and apparently dad has been of help to her these past 4 years."I reply and then add, "But while helping her, he was ditching us!"

I hear my mother sigh, "Brooklyn, don't hold that grudge against your father, sweetheart. Maybe we two-we weren't supposed to be together. Maybe Catherine and he were. What he did to us was wrong too. Mostly, what he did to you. At the same time though, he was helping another family live."

"AND BROKE OURS MOM! HOW CAN YOU BE SO LENIANT WITH HIM!" I scream, feeling anger boiling in my blood. "I said, Brooklyn. That what he did was wrong. Very wrong. And can never be forgotten, but you must forgive, Brooklyn. Don't hold grudges in your heart, it's no use and does nothing but create disharmony every time." She says, calmly.

I'm surprised at her reaction to all this. How is she taking everything so lightly? How is she being so calm and composed about it? How is she not affected?!

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