Chapter 24

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4:02 am


StoneHeartedCutie: Hi, Miguel. If that's what your name. I just wanted to say thank you for being there with me when I'm down. I know it's too early to say this but I think I like you. And I don't want to prolong this feelings of mine, so I'm currently building walls around my heart. I think this isn't unfair to you, right? Cause all you say is just a joke, but for me, it meant a lot. I'm so stupid for liking you. I don't want this trash (myself) to fall for you. Please don't fall back. I don't want you to be with me, I'm nothing, a worthless living one. While you.. you're such a wonderful person, that's why I easily fall. Reason why I'm doing this? I'm just protecting you from me. Maybe I lied to you at first, but honestly, I really hid something from you.. I'm a..

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