Chapter 9

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As I am helping the dwarves cleaning up, I see Tauriel is still here. Because of Fìli, I forgot the promise I made to Kìli. "Tauriel." I say. "Hey Gwendolyn, how are you?" she says. "Can I talk to you for a second?" I ask. "Yes, of course. What is it about?" she says curious. "Come on." I say and I walk to an empty, already cleaned room. Tauriel follows me and I shut the door behind us. "What is this?" she asks. "Promise me you don't tell anyone about this." I say. "I promise..." she says. I grab Kìli's runenstone out of my pocket. "Yesterdaynight, when I came back, I went to Kìli and Thorin, because I haven't had the chance to say goodbye to them yet. I felt terrible, and I blamed myself for everything bad that happened to them..." tears are coming to my eyes as I think about the cold bodies on the cold stonen beds. "But it isn't your fault Gwen, it's nobody's fault, but the orcs'." Tauriel says, putting her hand on my shoulder. "I know now, but then, it teared me apart. And suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I thought it was Fìli, I thought he followed me, but as I turned around, I saw it was Thorin." I begin to smile through my tears and see Tauriel's surprisement. "Two elvenkings and two wizards apparently couldn't stand me being so sad and desperate, so they brought them back for a couple of minutes." Tauriel's eyes are now wider open then they've probably ever been. "What did you say to them?" she asks. "Well, I mostly cried and just listened to what they said, wich was quite a lot." "What did they tell you?" she asks. "They told me not to blame myself and appreciate the things I still have.. And Kìli asked me to give you this." I show her the runenstone. "Amrâlimê." I say. She carefully picks up the runenstone from my hand and runs her finger over the dwarvish runes. "Can he hear me?" she says, while her eyes fill with tears too. "He can, and he always will." I say. "Amrâlimê." she says. She sits down and starts crying. "I miss you Kìli, I'm sorry I held back at the lake, I am sorry I didn't show you my feelings when you were still alive..." I sit down next to her and give her a hug. "It's okay, he knows you love him, he said that he's sorry you had to see him die, but that he's happy you were the last thing he saw." He never said that, but I know it's true. "He really loved you. And he still does" I add to it. "And I love him." she says, kissing the stone. "Thank you for giving me this, Gwendolyn." Tauriel says. "You should thank Kìli." I say with a small smile. She smiles too, "Thank you, Kìli." We sit for a couple of minutes, then we go back. While I pick up a broom, I see Tauriel is still holding the stone in her hand. I smile, 'this is true love' I think.

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