Harry takes a deep breath and answers. "Yeah, I'm fine." The house elf that has hold of his sleeve pulls him farther into the kitchen and sits him down on one of the chairs that is pulled up to the kitchen counter. Another elf comes to his other side and offers him a chocolate frog. Harry takes it with a watery smile and sniffles, nodding in thanks.

For the next hour, Harry sits in the kitchens and watches the elves work, ruminating on his fight with Draco. 'Things just escalated so quickly.' Harry sighs and puts his head in his hands.

"You're right." Harry whips around to find Draco standing behind him, his head is down and he is fidgeting with his hands nervously. Harry just stares, prompting Draco to continue. "I'm an idiot. In the time I've known you, you've called me to question my beliefs time and time again; It's frustrating. But you're right." Draco looks up at Harry. "I'm sorry."

"It... It's fine. I shouldn't have been so harsh about it." An awkward silence falls between the two friends, the only sounds are the crashing of pots and pans and the quiet murmuring of the house elve's conversations around them.

A house elf walks up to Draco, offering him a chocolate frog. Harry looks expectantly at Draco, and after a moment Draco kneels down and takes the treat, offering a quiet "Thank you" to the creature.

"Of course, Master Draco." As if a switch has been flipped, the rest of the house elves run up to Draco, surrounding him. They begin fussing over him, just as they had with Harry the first time he made his way to the kitchens. Draco just laughs and allows himself to be led to the chair next to Harry's.

Harry nudges Draco in the ribs and says, "Thank you for giving this a shot. I get that you've been raised a specific way and I'm sure this must be hard for you, but I really appreciate it."

"You've given me a chance, It's only fair that I give you one." Draco nudges Harry back. "Besides, I've been so busy teaching you about how to be a pureblood that I've forgotten you were raised by muggles. You have a very different mindset." Harry frowns before Draco continues quickly. "No, no, no, it's a good thing. Sometimes I get so caught up in tradition that I forget to think for myself. You help me do that."

Harry doesn't reply. Instead he smiles and nods, blushing at Draco's words. The two sit in silence for a while longer before leaving the kitchens, making sure to say goodbye to the elves before they go. By the time they make their way out of the kitchens, they are loaded up with a variety of sweets and have been told multiple times to let them know if they need anything.

"See, they're not so bad, are they?" Harry looks at Draco expectantly.

Draco sighs before replying, "No, they're not. I'm glad you introduced me."

They walk back to their common room in silence, just enjoying each other's presence. When they reach the door to their common room Draco stops, turning to Harry. "I know I already said this, but I'm sorry."

"It's alright, seriously. Don't worry about it."

"I actually do have something I need to tell you." The two continue into the common room. It's almost completely empty, the only other occupants being a couple sixth years who are in the process of revising some of their work.

"Yeah? What's that?"

"I'll tell you when we get to our room." They descend the stairs to their dormitory. Once they get there, Draco walks over and flops onto his bed. Harry follows and takes a seat beside him, taking off his shoes and pulling his legs onto the bed, crossing them. Draco does the same and turns to face Harry. "I got a reply from my father about the three headed dog incident."

"Really? When?" Harry looks shocked.

"It was a while ago; He told me not to tell you until the issue is resolved."

Harry Potter and the Slytherin Truth: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now