Episode 8

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Episode 8


Barely able to process that I've just met Yume personally, I caught myself staring at him. He looks so manly in his plain gray v-neck shirt and perfect-fitting jeans. I was captivated by his ocean-blue eyes and charming cheek dimples that makes him look more attractive. I also noticed his strong jawline as he walked to his seat beside Olivia, which was two rows in front of me. Our eyes met earlier but he was the first to look away.

"Earth to Sophia. Did you hear me?" Sarah waved his hands in front of me that made me go back to my senses.

"What was it again?" I innocently asked.

"What do you think of the new guy?"

"Oh. Uhm. I dunno, he looks normal to me. Nothing peculiar." I lied to Sarah because I know this will be a big issue if I tell her that the new guy was the person bothering me in my dreams.

"His looks are cool. But Mason's cooler, I guess. Though Noah seems like a silent-type." Sarah said as she observed Yume from the distance. Oh, scratch that, his name is Noah, and I gotta get used to that instead of calling him Yume.

"So, you really like Mason, huh?" I playfully asked her so we could avoid talking about Noah.

"You're really my bestfriend girl, but even though I admit I like him a bit, it's nonsense. I think Mason's not the type of guy who's into serious relationships."

"How could you say that?"

"I just kinda felt that. You know, he's a basketball player. Many girls are all over him. He's not like Elijah, who's head over heels for you."

I was silenced by what she said. Just in time, Miss Poppins called me to answer a question she asked the class. And fortunately, I was able to remember the answer from our readings last weekend.

I glanced at the direction where Noah was sitting. He's listening attentively to our teacher's discussion while taking down notes. He doesn't seem bothered by anything at all unlike me.

This is unfair. How come I dream about him for almost a month, but it seems like he didn't know me at all. Doesn't he have those dreams too? The fact that he's a real person makes me feel more guilty. How can I act natural around Elijah when guilt is eating me out? Especially now that Yume just became my classmate.

Lunch time came and I was still feeling troubled. That feeling doubled when I saw Mason and Elijah outside our classroom waiting for us. Why would they come here? They usually wait for us in the cafeteria.

"Hey babe. Mason asked me to accompany him here. He said he wants us all to meet someone." Elijah told me. No one's new in this class except Noah. Don't tell me, Noah is friends with Mason?

I became uneasy when I saw Noah and Mason walk towards us. They looked like they know each other for a very long time.

"Hi guys. I know you've met him since he's your classmate. But I also want to introduce him to you as my sibling. Guys meet my 'lil brother Noah! Noah, meet my friends, Elijah, Sarah and Sophia." Mason tapped Noah's shoulder and smiled at us widely.

Oh for Pete's sake! This is great. Just great.

"Dude, you didn't tell me your brother's going to our school. Is this why you were always going to the faculty office last week?" Elijah asked Mason, who just nodded at him.

"Hi Noah! We welcome you as the newest member of our group!" Sarah greeted him happily.

"Welcome to the club dude!" Elijah raised his fist waiting for Noah to raise his too. Noah looked at Mason like he's waiting for his brother's go signal. Mason just smiled at him. Noah bumped fists with Elijah and finally looked at me.

If the ground could only open up to swallow me whole, I'd give it permission to do so. What should I do in this situation? Our eyes met and I suddenly felt weaker. My head started to ache as visions started to flood my mind.

I was walking hand in hand with a person who looks so carefree beside me. He looked at me and I immediately recognized Noah's face. We were in a park strolling and laughing about something he said. All of a sudden, he turned into a serious face.

"If only things were not so hard as it seems."

I faced him and looked him in the eye as I comforted him.

"Let's just enjoy this day together alright?"

The next thing I knew was waking up with a smile on my face. I looked at my surroundings and recognized our clinic at school. I felt like I was the happiest person in that vision of mine.

But why was I with Noah? Who is he, really?

My thoughts were stopped as I saw Elijah holding my hand and sleeping on a chair beside my bed.


He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Thank God you're awake now. We were all worried. You suddenly passed out earlier when Mason was introducing you to Noah. What happened? Do you feel okay now?"

What? Why did I lose consciousness earlier? The last thing I remember was looking at Noah's ocean-blue eyes. I also didn't feel anything unusual before that scene earlier.

"Y-yeah. Guess I was just tired." I answered Elijah and did not bother asking him any more questions.

"You sure? Lunch was just over a few minutes ago. We can ask the nurse for an excuse letter so we can still take our lunch before we go to our next classes." He looked at the nurse after glancing at his watch.

"I'll give you two this slips for you to be excused at your next class. Just give it to your teachers before you take your lunch. This'll only be good for an hour okay? Are you sure you're okay now Ms. Lancaster?" The nurse gave Elijah two slips of paper as she asked us to write our names on it.

"Yes Miss I think it was just overfatigue." I lied because I did not really know what happened to me earlier.

"Yeah I thought so too. Don't overwork yourself okay?"

I thanked the nurse, then Elijah and I each went to our own classrooms to give our teacher the excuse slip. We agreed to meet at the cafeteria afterwards.

At the cafeteria, Elijah ordered me my favorite pasta which is carbonara for lunch while he bought himself his usual rice and steak.

"You know what babe, I feel close to Noah even though we just met him today. Weird right?"


"Yeah, its like I've known him somewhere sometime before. Anyway, you still haven't talked to him right? Who would've guessed he's Mason's brother? I feel like they're total opposites." He jokingly said to me and I just laughed at him.

Forgiveme, Elijah, for not telling you what's been bothering me lately. Don't worry. Ilove you and I'll do my best to stop myself from wondering any more about thismysterious Noah even if it's hard for me to just forget about those dreams. BecauseI know that like they usually say, curiosity kills the cat.

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