"Then He Whispers A Little "Goodbye..."

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It is almost a year since Killua and I are friends. But through the whole year, Killua changed alot. Sometimes, he didn't have time to talk to anyone. He was always looking tired in class, never concentrated. He sometimes didn't even come to school. But I am always happy, because, everytime we go home after school, we promised each other that we will say "See ya tomorrow".

Today, Killua looks normal, but still kinda tired. I was talking to Kelly and my other best friend, Lina, if they can ask if something's off, since he didn't want to tell me anything. He just changed the subject everytime I asked him.

But today, it was a bit different.

"Hey, (Y/N), wanna hang out after school?", asks Killua, as he stares at me with his tired and pretty much sad eyes?

"Of course! But, where do you wanna go?", I ask.

"The cliff at the end of the river. You know the one, where we always used to watch the sunset? I wanna do it again...", he says.

"Of course!", I say cheerfully, as I remember all of the memories come back to my mind.

The cliff at the end of the river. Everytime it was warm, we used to go there and watch the sunset. Not just alone, but with friends too! But... I loved it when we were alone. Just the two of us. Him and I.
Those were the moments I never felt alone. I felt free again. I felt good again. Having friends and that one person beside you, having fun with you and making you smile.


Here we are. The cliff at the end of the river. The best place I always want to spend time. But with who?
With him.

We're sitting there, looking at the sunset. We are talking about the fun things we had. How much he loved that. Loved?

"(Y/N).", he begins to talk.

"Y-yes, Killua?", I ask.

"Did you ever think of drowning?"

Wait, what the hell is he talking about?!

He stands up, goes to the end of the cliff, turns around to see me, spreads his arms as he's about to hug me and speaks:

"I always wanted to try that."

He lets go of his control and starts falling from behind. I run as fast as I can, jump and as I reach his body, hug him tightly. I'm trying to rescue him, but... Wait-
I can't swim!

We fall into the water and I am now the one who starts to drown. Then I feel myself pass out...

~Another timeskip~

Huh? What happened? Wait... I was drowning because I wanted to save-


"I'm here, baka.", he answers quickly as he looks at me with a serious face.
"Why would you do this?"

"That's what I should ask you! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING KILLUA?!", I start to cry, looking at his glaring face.

I hug him tightly and say:
"Please, promise me you won't do this again!"

"I gotta go..."

"Well, see ya tomorrow!", I say.

He gives me a stare, as he passes by,
Then he whispers a little "Goodbye...".


Hello! So the next chapter is going to be the last chapter! I'm sorry, the story was probably very, very short, but I tried! And also, it is my first fanfiction, so, I hope you understand! Anyways, see ya in the next chapter and I hope you liked this angsty one!

"How I met you through the stormy weather." (Killua Zoldyck x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now