"It May Not Be March, April, May..."

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Ah~ Another day! And summer is already here! Time really passes, doesn't it?
Eventhough it passed, I will never forget the day, the day when we were at the end of the river...

You're probably wondering what we did there? Nothing special, really, we just looked at the sunset and talked, laughed, jokes about stuff...
We went there multiple times and eventhough those weren't dates, I was the happiest person in the world. Actually having fun with a person again. Having that one person by your side all the time. Just as I once wished in the past...

I have friends, sure, but I never had that one person that is always there for you. So, I always wished for that in the past and here it is. And most importantly, that person is Killua Zoldyck.

Oh, by the way! Today is a very special day!
July the 7th, Killua's birthday! Gotta pack my stuff and go to school to wish him a happy birthday!


Phew! I finally arrive at school. I'm not late! Now, where is Killua?
I see the whole school at one place.

"Happy birthday, Killua!", is all you can hear from the crowd.
He is really popular, huh? That isn't the problem, but how am I supposed to wish him a nice birthday too?

"Thank you, thank y- Oh! (Y/N), you're here!", Killua says, as he approaches me with a wide smile on his face, giving me a present.
"Here! For ya!"

"E-eh?!", is all I can answer. Why does he give me a present?! It's his birthday!

"What do you mean eh? Take my present, baka!"

"B-but... Its your birthday, not mine. Also... I... Kinda forgot a present for you..."
Yes. I just realized. I was hurrying up for school that I forgot a birthday present for him. Ugh, I'm really useless for everything...

Killua smirks and grips on my shoulder.
"No worries! You will give me your present later, k?~"


"Perfect! See ya after school~", he chuckles, as he winks at me.

What did he mean by the present for later?

~Another timeskip because why not~

Classes ended once again and Killua is waiting for me outside the school building. He seems like he wants to rather talk or ask me something.

I run up to him as I smile widely.
"Hey, Killua!"

"Ah, Baka-chan, finally done?", he smirks devilishly. Just who does he think he i-
"So, about your birthday present..."

"Oh y-yeah! Again, I am truly sorry for not giving you one! I can it to you tomorrow and-"

"Shut it, baka.", he puts his finger on my forehead. No, not my lips.
"Let me finish! I was about to ask you if..."


"...", he looks at the ground.
"If... We both could celebrate my birthday at your house? Is that okay?"

"W-wait really? You want to celebrate it at my house? B-but why?", I ask. Why can't I go to your house instead?"

"How I met you through the stormy weather." (Killua Zoldyck x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now