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We start walking back and try to look like we didn't just fuck.

As soon as we walked in the boys looked at us and wiggled their eyebrows at each other.

"So ya'll fucked?"


"You act like we couldn't hear your loud ass moans in the woods,"

I look at Haechan and look down in embarrassment.

"W-well yeah I guess," I stutter over my words feeling the redness creep up to my pale cheeks.

"Yes, we had sex in the woods. Just let it go, It was a one-time thing,"

My heart did not break but my mind did. I felt the hot liquid build up in my eyes. I cooly walked back to where I was sitting and closed the curtain to cover my tears. I reminded myself that I wanted him to help not stay so it was okay for him to say that.

"Chija! We gotta go now!"



That's when I heard the gunshot ring through my ears and grabbed my bag and shoved everything inside before Lucas pulled me out of the booth.

"Here take this to protect yourself,"

I was handed a gun with a silencer. It was slightly heavy but I could manage. I never thought I would need it at this moment but when I was out of the cart, men protruded from the shadows. I wasn't thinking when I shot all of them with ease.

"Ja what did you do?!" Renjun yells in my face.

"I-i didn't mean to...I'm sorry Renjun," I say quietly.

"How do you know how to shot a gun perfectly like that anyways?" Jaemin asked as he pushes Renjun off to the side.

"It came to me like I've done it before but I don't quite remember-"

Everything goes black. Not the warm black but the void of hell kind of black. I was scared but I couldn't move.

3rd person -

The young boys look at each other with wide eyes when Chija had passed out and hit her head on the hardest part of the railing. Ten came to her side and aided Jaemin with picking her up. They placed her body on the grass.

When her body hit the dirt more men in black arrived through the trees with guns. Jaehyun took the gun into his hands and started to shoot wildly towards the men but they weren't getting hit. It somehow missed them every time Jaehyun pulled the trigger.

One of the people lifted their hand and threw some type of ball that released a indigo colored gas. The young boys dropped to the ground as they breathed in the gas. The black clothed men took everyone away from the train cart and back to their Main Headquarters.

"You brung then back to their assigned rooms am I correct?" The tall male questioned the rest of the men that sat in the chairs around him.

"Yes sir" A short man responded.

"Lucas tend to your hacking and Kun will take care of your sister until she wakes up. Renjun should wake up before Jeno and Jaemin so Ten will assist Kun for now,"

The replies were not heard to the fact the talk man had walked out due to heavy paperwork.

"Let's wait for Renjun,"

Chija POV -

I scream out in terror from the nightmare that I previously visioned. I see a head of blonde hair stick from one of the stalls that was next to me. Was I in the hospital? Am I getting arrested? Where the hell am I doing here?!

"Chija! You're awake,"



"Can you shut the hell up? My head hurts like hell,"

"I'm sorry. Just excited to see that you're alive,"

"What do you mean alive? I'm perfect healthily what do you mean?"

"We have to talk to Doyoung,"

"Huh? Why?"

"There are something's that you need to know and then you can make your decision,"

"Um...okay, let's go,"

We reach the end of the hallway from the medical room and down to where Doyoung is located. He leads me to the electronic room and sits me down in one of the seats near the huge TV on the wall. Renjun leaves when Doyoung enters the room from another part of his office.

"What did you call me for?"

"I'll inform you since you forgot,"

He sits down in front of me and explains everything from the beginning.

"Someone wiped your memories and left you For dead near your 'moms' house. We tried finding you but it seems you and the rest of dreamies got all fucked up even some of the best ones too. Like Jaehyun and Lucas. For a whole year you were blind to us and your own brother. But you have a decision to make before a certain someone wakes up,"

"What would that be?"

He slides me a tablet and I pick it up. He tells me to play the video. I was having sexual interactions with Jeno AND Haechan! What the hell? Is the teenage body that hormonal?

"Would you like Jeno or Haechan remember any of this?"

"Hell no! Why did I do that?!"

"I found out that you had a crush on Jeno all this time and when your mind was wiped your feels developed even further. You still like him don't you?"

"Yeah but I can't let him find out or the other members will say they hate me,"

"I see...Go up to your room after you check up in the clinic and wait for you brother to come,"

"Okay thank you for not letting this happen,"

I take my leave and head back the medical room. I guess I was supposed to do a quick check up with Kun. Kun rushes over to me and did a basic check up on my vitals and confirmed that I was alright to leave.

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