Start from the beginning

"Shit," muttered Vanya, fully grasping the situation. "I need to make a phone call." she said quickly getting up from her seat and going to the phone across the way.

"Vanya," called out Five, before Elaina put her hand on his arm and shook her head.

"Leave her. It's good that she has friends," she said, looking at their sister as Vanya started dialing out. "We as a family messed up last time with her. This could be a blessing in disguise. A do-over." reasoned Elaina.

Five's mouth formed a hard line. "That may be the case, but we're still on a time limit, Laney," he eyed Vanya too as she was speaking on the phone. "We need her now, not her friends." he said as he got up and walked over to her.

Elaina sighed. "Dammit, Five." she muttered as she followed.

The boy walked over and pressed down on the phone's hookswitch, ending Vanya's call abruptly.

"What the hell?" she snapped.

"We don't have time for this,"

"That's my friend you just hung up on!"

"Listen to me," he said, grabbing Vanya by the shoulders. "Those people from the field are coming after us. They are never going to stop. You understand me?"

"I'm sorry, V," apologized Elaina from behind Five with a sad look on her face. "It's just, we need to stick together as a family right now. You can call your friend as soon as it's safe, I promise."

"Right now, we need to figure out how to stop doomsday once we find everyone," explained Five. "Whoever this person is," he said, referring to Vanya's friend. "They can't be more important than the end of the world. We need to go."

Vanya still had the phone in her hand as she gripped it tightly, looking between the two teens in front of her. With a sigh, she reluctantly placed the phone back on the hook. Vanya walked past them and made her way towards the door as Elaina looked at Five with furrowed brows.

"What?" he asked, noticing her expression.

She shook her head slightly. "You don't listen, do you?" she said upsetly. "We need to work on your people skills." was all she said as she passed by him and followed Vanya out the door.

"People skills?" scoffed Five to himself. "Am I the only one that cares that the world is ending?" he grumbled as he shoved his hands in his pockets, exiting the diner.


The three sat quietly in the car as Vanya drove. Five told her the address to the club that Luther works at and Vanya instantly recognized it.

"The Carousel Club?" she asked.

Elaina's eyebrow perked up. "You're familiar with that place?"

Vanya flustered a bit. "Not personally, but I've picked up my friend's husband there before. Our brother works there?"

"Well, not on stage, if that's what you're thinking," chuckled Elaina.

"He's more like... security. Evidently, he's the man-in-charge's right hand, or something," informed Five. "But we won't be going in through the front entrance. We'll be heading in through the side to the lower level."

Vanya's brows knitted together as she kept her eyes on the road. "Lower level? Why there?"

"Luther does some underground fighting on the side for his boss," jumped in Elaina. "You'll come to realize soon that he has some strong daddy issues. And don't get him started on the moon,"

"The moon?"

"It's a long story," sighed Elaina.

"Well it looks like we're here," commented Five as they rolled up to the building.

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