Holy Crud Monkeys It's My B-Day

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*Natasha’s PoV*

I woke up and looked around. I forgot I was at Jimmy’s. He had black walls that were covered in band posters. He had pretty awesome taste in music. I looked at the time. It was already 12. I found my backpack and quickly got into different clothes. I looked in his mirror and used my fingers as a hair brush to make it at least look acceptable.

I headed downstairs kind of awkwardly. I don’t know where Jimmy is but hopefully he’s awake.

To my disappointment, I found him fast asleep on the couch. He looked kind of ridiculous with his giant spiked hair and a cute My Little Pony Blanket only covering part of him.

That left me alone with his family. Alright all I have to do is not be awkward. .-. Yup that sounds like a good plan. I walked into the kitchen.

“Ah, Tosh you’re finally awake,” Jimmy’s dad, Joe, said to me.

I smiled and was absolutely clueless of what to say. “Hah, trust me, this is the time I normally wake up at.”

He smiled at me. “Oh by the way, this is Kelly and this is Katie,” he said motioning to a blonde girl and a brunette girl.

Kelly had blonde hair and was a bit taller than me. She was probably a year or two older than Jimmy. Katie had dark brunette hair and was shorter than me. She was probably two years younger than me.

“Hi,” I said.

“Hey,” they both responded.

I could see them looking at every little detail about me. I didn’t mind though, they didn’t seem mean or judging.

“How’d you meet Jimmy?” Kelly asked.

“I was sitting in a park and he joined me. Now we go to school with each other,” I said.

“Oh okay, he would be going to a catholic school with Katie and me if he wasn’t an idiot and didn’t get kicked out in the second grade!” she yelled towards Jimmy but he was out cold on the couch.

I laughed. “How’d he get kicked out?”

She went into telling me everything and all the embarrassing stories about him she knew. By the time he woke up I practically knew all the crazy things he had ever done.

He sat up and I walked out to see him sitting there on the couch in his boxers. “Hey Tosh I forgot you were here,” he said, rubbing his eyes. Then he froze and looked down, realizing he was only in boxers. “Shit!” he said under his breath as he pulled the My Little Pony blanket over his lap. “I’ll be back,” he said running upstairs with the blanket around him.

His sisters and I were laughing. “Does he always sleep in his boxers?” I asked.

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