Potato Patchasaurus

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Sorry I haven't uploaded in forever. Gotta love school ;-; I have four honors classes and apparently they don't understand having a life outside of school. They each hand out like 500000000000 hours of homework. Okay so maybe not actually that much homework but it feels like it. Anyway I owe you guys a long chapter so here you go. I hope you like it! Also I couldn't think of a name for this chapter so its named after my dog.


*Natasha’s PoV*

The first weeks of school dragged on. All we did was learn the exact same things from back when I was in elementary school. Zacky and I had been getting close, he’s really cool and he’s been teaching me guitar which has impressed Barry. 

Waking up on a Saturday is one of the best feelings in the universe. Knowing you could just go right back to sleep if you so desired was awesome. I woke up and trudged down stairs to the kitchen.

“Hi Mabel,” I said to big blob of gold fur. She wagged her tail while looking up at me. “Where’s Adam?” I don’t know why I do this, I know I’m not going to get an answer but I always ask animals questions like that. Who knows maybe one day she’ll suddenly start speaking English and I’ll discover she’s actually and intelligent alien dog. It’s worth a shot.

I looked around and saw a note on the fridge.

‘We’ve got a gig tonight. I’m at band practice at Neil’s. I’m assuming you’re gonna wake up around noon so if you want lunch come on over. Seriously, we’re having tacos.


I looked at the clock, it was 11:30. Dang, he knows me so well. I wasn’t really hungry, but I didn’t want to ditch them so I started working out in the hopes of burning enough calories that I wouldn’t gain any. Mabel watched me in confusion and kept trying to lick my face while I was doing sit ups.

I threw on a Nirvana t-shirt, a flannel shirt and jeans. I detangled my hair throwing it messily around like always. I keep meaning to dye my hair but I can never remember to. Maybe I’ll just dye it tomorrow. Looking in the mirror my mind instantly picked out all the flaws. I tried to ignore that stupid voice in my head. I kept feeling fat but convinced myself that I can do this. I can go eat and just throw up or work out or do anything. I threw on a beanie and grabbed my skateboard.

I skated over to Neil’s house and found all the guys sitting in the front lawn. Thank god, I did not wanna ring that doorbell.

“Hey! Look, it’s Tosh!” I heard Brad yell out. He was holding a beer and all the guys were laughing.

I smiled. “So this is what you call band practice?”

They laughed. “It’s close enough,” Neil said.

I laughed and sat down with them.

“So Tosh, how’s your day going?” Brad asked with a slightly drunken smile on his face.

Falling from Heights (Three Days Grace and Jimmy Sullivan Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon