Oh Those Silly Canadians

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*Natasha’s PoV*

I woke up with a teddy bear in my arms. It was bright outside and yet I was still tired. I sat up and heard Barry say “Whoa! Nuhuh you’re gonna stay lying down!”

“Augh! But I’m tired of laying down! I need something to do!”


Sleep did sound good right now. I flopped back down but refused to sleep. I stared at the bear. It had soft gold brown fur and a ribbon going around its neck that said ‘Get Well’. I have to admit it, it was cute. Barry started talking to me.

“How’d you and Adam meet?” he asked me.

“I’m- or was I guess- a street performer. I just kinda took station at the park and performed there and Adam saw me and we talked a bit I guess…” I said.

“Oh yeah, I heard you sing. You’re pretty good at what you do,” he said.

I smiled. “Thanks.”

“What thing in the world do you like most?”

“Music,” I answered.

He looked down at his phone and typed something in. After every question he would look down and type something in, kinda creepy…

The week went on like that. Everyone except Adam coming in and asking me questions. I started to think Adam didn’t trust me… then again why would he? I’m just some kid off the street, who’s to say I can keep a secret?

Finally that week had ended. Neil brought some new clothes for me which I was thrilled to get out of the nasty hospital gown and into real person clothes. I got in the bathroom and changed into the black skinny jeans and a Three Days Grace shirt. They clearly didn’t know my size for jeans since they were long and saggy and the shirt was huge. I brushed my hair the right way so I wouldn’t look so gross and run down. My blue eyes didn’t shine and my hair wasn’t fluffy but flat and pretty shaggy. My face was dirty and I was covered in bruises and had stitches on my chest. “I…look…horrible…” I whispered to myself.

I headed out and the guys had me hop in the car. The entire ride back I was too nervous to talk. Outside people kept pointing at the car, probably because of Neil. He kept waving at everybody since he was in the passenger’s seat.

As soon as we arrived I saw a huge house. It was HUGE like I don’t know if it was to Bill Murray or something but to me it looked like a mansion. I could barely convince my feet to move.

“Come on!” Neil said.

“O-okay…” My eyes were huge and I felt super hot. My hands felt sweaty so I wiped them on my shirt and hoped no one noticed. Brad just kept giving me a goofy smile.

“Now go upstairs,” Neil said pulling me up a huge stair well.

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