“You’ve been crying, I can see it in your eyes,” he told me.

“No I haven’t my eyes are just really dry,” I lied.

“Uhuh. And you expect me to believe that. I’m gonna have to turn this into a movie; a movie called Horrible Liars. Tell me, why are you out here tonight? You’re only wearing a jacket and it’s below ten degrees out here.” He started to take off his big coat but I stopped him.

“I’m not cold and I don’t want you to freeze,” I said putting his coat back on him.

“Like I said you’ll be the star in Horrible Liars. You’re shivering just take the coat and tell me what’s up.”

He went ahead and put his coat over my shoulders while I tried to make some excuse for me being outside. I couldn’t think of anything no matter how hard I tried to make some awful excuse it was never quite good enough.

“Some stuff came up between Adam and me. I left and now I’m back to where I started…” It was the truth. Simplified but still the truth.

“You can’t possibly live out here, it’s too cold! Are you sure you can’t go back?” he asked me.

“Yeah, I’m positive…”

He sighed and then popped up with an idea. “You could stay at my place!”


“You could stay at my house it’d be great! We could play video games and watch movies and drink hot cocoa and mountain dew and I’ll invite Matt, Brian, Johnny, and Zacky over!”

“I dunno…”

“Why not?!”

“I don’t wanna be a burden on you or parents.” I’d end up charging them money and food and space, they don’t have to do it and there’s no way I’ll force them… It’d be like what Adam was yelling about, he’d have money if it weren’t for me and it’s the exact same with Jimmy’s family.

“You won’t be! I invited you so it’s like you’re just barging in or anything! My parents will totally be okay with it I promise!”

I didn’t even get a chance to answer before he jumped up and started dragging me towards his house.

“But-wait! Jimmy!”

“Nope you’re staying at my place, I’m not gonna let you freeze your coconuts off!”

“Wait but coconuts are hairy.”

“Ew. But that’s besides the point! Come on!”

He dragged me over to a bus stop and we waited till the next bus came. We sat down and were almost the only people on that bus.

Falling from Heights (Three Days Grace and Jimmy Sullivan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now