From his expression, I could see that Adrian didn't buy my lie but he let it go and I was once again grateful for that. He looked at me with a strange emotion in his eyes and finally spoke. "No harm done. You're fine and that's all that matters right now. Come on, I'll drop you off." He pointed to his car just a couple of meters ahead of mine which I hadn't noticed before.

Too drained to argue, I nodded weakly and followed him to his car. He opened the passenger door for me and after making sure I was safe, he walked to the other side and let himself in. He assessed me from my head to toe and inspected my face, probably looking for possible injuries and when he found none, relaxed his posture and smiled sheepishly at me before starting his engine.

The whole ride I could feel Adrian's occasional glances at me. I could tell Adrian had questions he wanted to ask but was restraining himself. I was thankful that he didn't ask anything because I wasn't ready to share everything about my life with him just yet. The ride was silent and I closed my eyes, recalling events of the day and hoping against hope that it was just a bad dream I'd wake up from.

The feeling of my feet leaving the ground woke me up from my slumber and I opened my eyes to see a sharp jaw above me. The jaw went up to a cute chin, to slightly pink and inviting lips, then to a nice, shapely nose guarded by prominent cheekbones. I slightly craned by neck to see more of this magnificent work of art and I found myself looking into a pair of enchanting electric blue eyes. A very amused pair of enchanting electric blue eyes.

It took some time for my sleep induced brain to connect all the pieces of the lovely organs together and make a human face out of it. And when I finally put every organ in its place and once again looked at the face in front, or rather, above me, I shrieked and almost ended up falling right on my vital organ if not for the arms that tightened their hold on me.

Realizing that I was still in his arms we were inside an elevator, I glared at him and slowly climbed off his arms. Though, I think I should have climbed out of his arms and created a safe distance between us before glaring as they would've been more effective. However, judging by the nature of the person the glare was directed at, I doubt it would have made a difference because he still was sporting highly amused electric blue eyes.

I decided to let go of my glare and at the moment I noticed that the elevator wasn't moving at all. In fact, the STOP button was lighting up. This made me resume my glare at him and I crossed my arms and raised both of my eyebrows at him which was a big act of self degradation on my part since we all know my issues with a single eyebrow raise.

My intention in crossing my arms and raising my eyebrows along with my glare was to look intimidating enough to get him answering my questions without having the trouble of using my vocal cords. And I did get an answer without asking him anything. He just didn't look intimidated. At all. But I let it go this time. My answer was more important.

"I didn't know which floor you lived in." He shrugged and I was suddenly reminded of why I didn't want to come here in the first place. My throat suddenly felt clogged up and I blinked back my tears. I had thought I'd already cried all my tears away but it seems that my tear gland has saved an infinite amount of tears over the years I haven't cried. With the way I was acting right now, I think I'm the bipolar one. Or maybe it was transmitted from Adrian due to sitting in his car too many times?

Adrian had his arms around me in a flash and he was rubbing his hands along my back, occassionally patting me. "Sshh... It's alright. It's fine, Eve. Don't cry. Everything will be alright. Just tell me which floor is yours and I'll take you home."

My subconscious registered that he called my by the forbidden name but I refused to acknowledge it today because for the first time in my life, I was feeling truly like I was home. I didn't want to dwell on it's implication and instead told him my floor number.

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