"For many years now...Ibuki has always dreamed of making a cookie statue out of her Boobs!" Ibuki replied to him answering his question. Hajime just looked at her but didn't say anything in response. Akane was chewing loudly but happy. She pointed at a page and said that she wants to eat it, and Mahiru over heard.

"It looks simple too. We should try making this next!"

Everyone agreed and they started to make it.

"Here Nanami! Say ahhh~" I told her holding a chocolate covered strawberry to her mouth. She blushed but opened her mouth and I moved the strawberry into her mouth for her to bite on it which she did. "Is it good?" I asked her and she chewed. She nodded avoiding eye contact, I just smiled at her and grabbed some more sweets and fed it to Usami this time.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I stood up straight to see Chiaki holding a piece of chocolate. I look at her confused.

"...Say ah..." She said shyly. I blushed but nodded then opened my mouth taking a bit out of it. "...Did you like it?" She asked. I nodded and gave her a smile, she also smiled in response then moved to go help bake with the others.

We all continue to bake for another two hours and when we finished we cleaned up and all left. I waved goodbye to everyone and walk over to Peko.

"Hey Pekoyama." I smiled at her. She turned around and looked at me.

"Hello, (l/n). Did you need something?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to hang out."

"I see....I think it's fine. Did you have something in mind?"

"Um I didn't eat much of the sweets expect for like 5 pieces of chocolate but would you like to go to the diner."

She took a moment to decided, and had her eyes closed, she then opened them and nodded. "Yes...that seems nice.."

"Alright! Let's go!" I grabbed her hand and started to pull her towards the diner on the second island.

"H-Huh..? W-Wait..!" She yelled out but just sighed and followed me as we ran.

We just ran together to the diner and eventually made it there. Peko was fine but I was dying. Why did I run?? I had my hands on my knees and was gasping for air. Peko looked at me with concern.

"Are you alright?" She asked putting a hand on my back.

"Y-Yeah..." I nodded, I then took a deep breathe in and stood up straight. "Alright I'm good now." I gave her a thumbs up and we both walked inside the diner. We both go to the counter and order our food. Peko gets a burger with fries and a soda, I also get the same but extra fries. We both sat down. We both sit down and just as we sit, Fuyuhiko walks in. I waved over at him and he just glared back.

"Hey Fuyu! Wanna join us?" I said referring to me and peko, and eating with us.

"Why would I want to sit with you dumbass." He said then ordered fries and left the diner. I frowned at his actions and words but went back to eating.

"I apologize for his behavior." Peko said as she closed her eyes and nodded at me.

"No, No! Youre okay! You don't have to be responsible for his actions. I mean I get why your saying sorry but you don't have to!" I reassured her. She hesitated but nodded at me.

"So how you been Pekoyama?" I try starting a conversation, I also take a bite out of my food.

"I've been fine, The girls event was fun indeed as well." She said then took some bites of her food. I nod at her response still chewing. "How have you been?" She asks with a hand over her mouth.

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