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Percy POV

I was just relaxing by the big house, I found out I had two new siblings and they were twins they were fraternal so they looked different. I see two people at the summit of the hill. I run up to them. Percy: So you must be the new children of Poseidon. The guy: Yes so bow down for me! The girl: I'm sorry for my brother. Whispers to Percy: He's pretty egotistical. But anyway my name is Chloe and this is my brother Kyle. Kyle: Why are you not bowing to me!? Because I'm your brother? Kyle: Oh.

Timeskip 1 month
Percy POV

The last month can only be described in one word: Hell. Kyle has convinced almost everyone that I've done a lot of terrible things he did and that the only reason I was in the war was to get other campers killed. The only people who believe me and are staying by my side are my new sister Chloe, Nico, Thalia and my girlfriend Annebeth but even she's getting distant. I feel my pocket and find the box with the ring that is for Annebeth. I go to the Athena cabin and see Malcom. Hey have you seen Annebeth? He looks at me with pity. Malcom: Yeah she's at the beach, and also I'm sorry. I finally realize how stupid it is to believe the new kid. Percy: Thank you, you have no idea how much that means to me. I leave the Athena cabin and head down to the beach. I walk down the beach and in a shaded spot I see two people making out. I'm about to ignore them when I hear something that breaks my heart. Kyle: Annebeth when are you gonna break up with my brother? Annebeth: I am the next time I see him. Percy: I guess that's sooner than you expected. Annebeth freezes in place. Annebeth: Percy it's not what it looks and sounds like. Percy: THEN WHAT IS IT! Annebeth opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. Percy: I fell into Tartarus for you and this is how you feel! Well I guess we're done! After I say that I throw the ring at her and run to my cabin. I grab everything I need and right a note and run to mount Olympus.

Percy POV

I reach mount Olympus and open the doors to the throne room. Zeus: WHO DARES INTERRUPT THE MEETING OF THE OLYMPIANS! Percy: I am here for my request for defeating Gaea. Zeus: What do you request young demigod? Percy: Kill me. Zeus: With all do respect, why do you want this? Percy: The entire camp except for three people have abandoned me. Zeus: I'm sorry I can't do that I am sorry. Percy: Fine just don't make me go back to camp. Zeus: I'm sorry but you are to strong to go off on your own. But I was going to call you here anyway to discuss your power. As I was saying you are getting to strong so we are going to make you fully immortal and send you to Tartarus for a eternity. With that all the gods blast me with a white light and when they are done Zeus asks: Does anybody have anything to say? Percy: Yes I would like to have my gift for defeating Gaea be putting Hades and Hestia back on the council. Zeus: I can agree with that. With that two new thrones appear and Hades and Hestia come running up to me. Hades and Hestia: Thank you, you have no idea how much we appreciate this. Zeus: Anyone else? Artemis, Apollo, Hephaestus, Hermes: We're sorry we are trying to stop this. Zeus then opens a crack at my feet and I fall.

Timeskip to landing
Percy POV

I don't know how long I was falling but eventually landed. When I landed I immediately realized then when I was made immortal it also gave me all the gods blessings. I immediately make my way to Damasens hut. When I get there I see that he's gone and a note saying: If you are reading this Percy I am not coming back so you can have my hut. I drop all my stuff off and go monster fighting. After about an hour I run into Kronos. Kronos: Well well well, look what we have here. He attacks me with his scythe and I defend. After I long fight I eventually are able to stab him through the heart. After he turns to dust I feel myself get stronger. In fact I have after every kill. Interesting. I get back to my hut and use my powers of Hephaestus to make it bigger.

Timeskip 1000 Tartarus years 20 earth years
Annebeth POV

We didn't realize our mistake until it was to late. Today is the 20th anniversary of when Percy abandoned camp and got sentenced to Tartarus. Me and a bunch of other campers were made immortal including him. We soon found out after Percy left that his brother Kyle was the one to do all those things and couldn't even fight. When we fought one single hellhound he cowered behind Jason. The only three people to not abandon him look at us Thalia, Nico, and his sister Chloe. We all feel horrible for what happened. I get out of bed and go get breakfast. At breakfast Kyle comes to sit next to me and I walk away. Kyle: Oh cmon get over him. Why don't you go out with a much stronger hero! Thalia: Shut up you tool. Kyle: Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it? I could see Thalia resisting the urge to strangle him. He noticed this to and starts to slowly back up. After he leaves I get the normal looks of disgust from Nico, Thalia and Chloe. My meal goes about as well as normal thinking about how I destroyed Percy. After my meal I walk back to my cabin to cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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