Chapter Four: The Dream

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Drew went home that day waiting for the group to decide if he got in or not, so it was getting late- and his mom was still at work. He made dinner for himself and went upstairs to his room

Drews Pov:

I was worried sick for if I got in... I couldn't think straight... I just wanted all this stress to end.
My mom wasnt ever home when I got home from school. She was always at work... And I haven't seen my dad sense I was 9...
I want this pain to go.
I want it to leave
I want it to all disappear...

I'm just gonna go to bed...

Yawns,  hello? W- where am I?
School? I thought I was at home...
I guess I must have fell asleep at school maybe....
I start to walk around... Seeing nobody in the halls

Where is everyone?
Am I here alone?
I walk around even more until-

Great I bumped into someon- Zander?

Oh- H-Hey Zander! Sorry for bumping into you-
"I've been looking for you" Why is he smirking? Wait- what is he-

At that moment Zander kissed Drew-

W-was that a dream?!! Why did he- do that?! That was... Strange... I- I should get back to bed....

The Next Day at School:
Drew walked to school still thinking about that dream. He couldn't get his mind off of it-

Jakes Pov:

This morning was weird- when Drew got to school he was acting very werid as if something happened? I'll ask him at lunch for now I'll just wait.

Soon the bell Rang
I walked out of class to head to lunch and saw Drew already sitting down except with ZANDER?
Uh- hey Drew? What are you doing?

"Oh hi Jake, I'm just talking with Zander-" That's strange? He never talks to anyone in the music club?
Can I talk to you Drew? Alone.
I could tell he got nervous
"S-Sure Jake... I'll be back Zander-"

So Drew what's going on you seem- nervous a lot lately-
"W-what are you talking about Jake?"
Your doing it right now Drew!
"W- wha- no I'm not!?"

I could tell it was something about Zander but I couldn't put my finger on it.
So what's with you and Zander?
I see Drews Face turn red and hesitate saying it-

"Do you promise you won't tell anyone"
Uh- yeah I promise-
"Okay... I had a Dream where-"
Why did he stop speaking? What was the dream about...
"I had a dream that... That... Zander kissed me and..."

"Shut up you idiot! Be quiet!!!"
Sorry- what were you saying?
"Jake... I think I like Zander but I don't know... I think I'm straight- well... I thought..."

How is that possible? They only had a few conversations, unless Drew has had a crush on him sense yesterday...

"BE QUIET YOU DUMMY- I'm gonna go back and eat lunch with Zander and you better not say a single. Word."
Okay okay I got it-
I watched as Drew walked away to go sit by Zander... This is strange- sure Zanders Gay, but would he even like Drew back? I should go sit by them, I can get more information...

I walked over to go see what they were talking about and they had a werid conversation going on- I couldn't even tell what exactly the main idea was-

"Are you sure you even know what a key for that piece can be?" I heard Zander talking about music related stuff... Does Drew actually like music? It was weird enough that he auditioned to be in the club... Maybe he's changing? I sat there for 20 minutes listening to them talk about the piano, music, and stuff like that until Zander brought up a topic I didn't know Drew would even respond to.

"So- are you dating anyone?" I froze realizing Drew was still dating Zoey and the fact Zander even asked that. Maybe he was asking to know as a friend?
"No I'm actually not-"

I stared at the back of Drews head as he said that. Did he just lie about Zoey...

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