Chapter two: I wish i could get you off my mind...

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After Lunch Drew and Zander walked there separate ways going to separate classes. Drew saw Jake and Henry walking to Science.

Drews Pov:

I saw Jake and Henry, and thought I should catch up to them

Hey! Guys wait up!
Jake and Henry stop and turn around looking at me and smirk
I stop running towards them
What? I asked seeing them smirking

"Sooo- what were you talking to Zander about"
I blushed trying to think of an explanation that wouldn't make them act all stupid
I- I just wanted to tell him sorry for being a Jerk to him- okay?
"Ah so- wait you apologized to ZANDER?" Henry Yelled
Everyone in the hallway stopped and stared at us

Great now everyone's staring at us- Like I said I apologized to Zander okay?!
"Wow Drew, that's nice of you" Jake says as we continue walking to class.

We get into the class room and sit in our seats, Jake goes up and talks to Luke and Hailey. I go to the back and wait till Jake comes back. "Come on Jake stop talking with your Girlfriend" I think as I role my eyes at Jake.

"Alright everyone get your partner and put on your goggles we will be working on our science project today so make sure you get it done as it is due tomorrow" I listen to the teacher as Jake sits down next to me. Out of nowhere I start thinking about lunch. The thought of Zander smiling caught my mind... I didn't know why? Then out of nowhere Jake is tapping on my shoulder.

"Drew! Drew!!!"
I snapped out of it as Jake was still tapping on my shoulder
W- what?!?!
"The teacher is talking to you?" I blush  and see everyone staring at me

Oh- i- I'm so so sorry Mr. Johnston- I lost track in my mind...
I see Jake and most people in the room staring at me- I blushed and put my head on my desk. Mr. Johnston starts talking as I think "why did I get so lost in thought... I never do that...
I sit up and the teacher is still talking about to let them work

" Now everyone get your goggles and get to work!"
I get up and go to get my goggles and mine and Jakes assignment. I find mine and Jakes assignment and grabs it to go sit down.
"Hey Drew- what was that all about?"
I look at Jake knowing what he was talking about yet didn't want to admit I started to think about Zander-

I just got lost in thought okay? It's not a big deal- I say as I start putting my goggles on

"Yeah but- you always are focusing in science? You never zone out? A- are you okay?"
I ignore Jakes question as I start to write on the poster. Jake looks at me confused but starts to work on his part.
It was a couple minutes later as we hear the teacher make and announcement

"Alright everyone we have an announcement from the Music Club from-" The teacher whispers to someone in the hall as he starts to talk again  "we have an announcement from the music club from Zander, I'll give it away to you"
I see Zander walk into the room with some papers. I look at him nervously and start to blush at him- Jake looks at me and whispers in my ear

"Whats wrong Drew-"
I look at Jake then start to admire Zander talking
"Uhm- hi everyone" I see how he looks nervous, and I wave to him and smiled
I see him look at me and smile back at me and continue to speak. I see Jake look at me surprised-

"Hello everyone... I'm Zander- and I would like to inform you on the music club- I see some people in here that are already in the club- the Music Club is were we will play music and go into competitions against other groups and schools. We're looking for only a couple more members- so if your interested come and get a paper application and bring it by after school."

I look at him wanting to go up and get one- yet... I don't wanna show this part of me- until I just got up out of nowhere and started walking. I saw everyone staring at me in shock, even Zander looked shocked-

Uh- hey Zander... Do you mind if I take one?  I saw him look at me surprised and stare at me. He stops staring at me and gives me a paper

"Thanks Zander" I smile at him and walk back to my seat. I feel a force like everyone is pushing there weight on me. I sit down and look at the form while Jake stares at me like I just smacked someone

"Anybody else?" Zander waits a few minutes before speaking again
"Alright- well thank you Mr. Johnston"
I watch as Zander smiles as he waves at me. I think "I hope you don't mind me cause I'll see you later...

I write on the paper Name: Drew

Instrument: piano.

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