Chapter 14: For Them, For her

Start from the beginning
                             the youngest men of the big boss"huening kai" 


i'll explain

kai and the others is odered to join the punishment for the roses killers , to end their mission the big boss set up everything, of course the killers knows it too 

the mission was to set up a murder that actually never happen, the 5 guys was still alive breathing, everything is running according to the big boss's plan

"hmm,i actually miss everything here in korea....afterthe never happen murder Our boss really made us move out korea,oh gosh..." he said is stress pose 

but what do you expect from the roses killers?

they just stand there listen to him having their straight emotionless face, why do they care anyways

"now... i did tell you that i'll give some spoilers to kill you right?" he said again earning nothing from the killers, he smirked, well, they never got scared of deaths

"so who should i pick as my volunteer" he said pointing his index finger to the killers absolutely picking a member

"why don't we try the youngest and strongest member? Ahn Yujin...." he said and finally stand up picking a gun from the killers

its actually horror for the older guys to heard that he chose yujin......their youngest

"no you can't chose him." chaewon said blocking yujin to kai's sight, kai glared at him

"why don't you just pick me instead?" hyewon said raising his voice

"no....leader always comes first." he said and rolled his eyes on them

"i'll be fine.."yujin said which earn a stare from all of hem

he smiled, thinking that his oldy member are protecting him, well, his right. his members are protecting him from grate danger but still this is him and kai's business to deal

yuin made his hyungs boiled but what can they do... even if his the youngest his still their highest leader who is making decision for the whole gang.

yujin then silently calmly walking towards to kai, when he finally reach the place where kai is sitting, kai stands up and hand his hand

"nice to meet you in personal"" he said yujin look at his hands and to his face, but his serious face isn't leaving him

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