A Holiday Romance

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We kept translating the runes until the holiday break. I was balancing the translating between classes and quidditch. Bill started coming to all my quidditch games. Even the ones that weren't against Gryffindor. I was going home with the Weasley's. I wrote to my family to tell them I wasn't coming home. Their response was that they were happy because they didn't have to buy me anything. On the day it was time to go home I pulled on a green sweater, a pair of black skinny jeans, and a pair of knee-high boots. I walked to the main corridor. I saw Bill and Charlie waiting for me. I walked up to them.

"You are aware it's freezing outside right?" Bill said. I laughed.

"I'll be fine" I said. He had on a pair of jeans and a thick knitted sweater with the letter B on it and a leather jacket. Charlie was dressed almost the same but his sweater had a C on it. Bill pulled off his jacket and handed it to me.

"Take this. This sweater will keep me warm enough" he said. I smiled and put the jacket on. We walked to the train station. Once we put our bags with the other students stuff we walked on the train and tried to find an empty compartment. We eventually found one before others did. I sat next to Bill. Penny sat next Charlie. The train started moving about an hour after we got on. I was tired, I hadn't been sleeping well the past few nights. I kept having dreams about Bill. I ended up falling asleep quickly into the journey. I woke up what felt like minutes later, it was hours later. I had my head on Bill's shoulder and his arm was around me. Charlie was asleep. Penny smiled at me. I looked up at Bill. He was asleep. I nuzzled myself back into his shoulder and fell back asleep. He tightened his arm around me. I smiled. After a while longer Penny threw something at us. We both woke up. We looked at her.

"Charlie is waking up he'll freak out if he sees this" she whispered. Bill and I sat up and made it look like we weren't doing anything. Charlie woke up and sat up. We were approaching Kings Cross. We all got up and got ready to leave the compartment. Once the train stopped, we got up. We all walked out onto the platform. We grabbed our stuff and went off to find Mrs. Weasley. We said bye to Penny who saw her parents. We kept walking and found Mrs. Weasley. Percy was already there telling her all about the first half of the year. We walked over to them. Molly hugged Bill, then Charlie, then to my surprise me.

"Lovely to see you again dear. I'm happy you're joining us for the holidays" she said.

"Thank you for having me" I said.

"Of course. Anytime you're always welcome" Molly said. I smiled. She brought us all out to the car. We all got in. Charlie sat up front. Bill, Percy, and I sat in the back. I laid my head on Bill's shoulder. He smiled. I closed my eyes on the way back to their house. After a little bit we were back at the Weasley's house. Bill grabbed my bag for me. He carried it inside. We walked inside the house. I looked around, there was magic in ever corner of the house. The dishes were washing themselves, there were knitting needles making sweaters, and a clock that told them where all the kids were. I heard a lot of commotion. Before I could say anything Fred and George came barreling down the stairs and started annoying Percy. Ron followed behind. An older man, Arthur Weasley, came downstairs with a girl who was about 5 years old. I looked at Bill.

"That our dad and our little sister Ginny" Bill said. I nodded. Arthur walked over to us.

"Arthur Weasley" he said extending his hand.

"Chrissy Scott" I said. "I'm Charlie and Bill's friend from school."

"Glad to know you'll be joining us for the holidays" Arthur said. "I also invited an old friend from school. He'll be here tomorrow."

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