The Room

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I woke up early the next day. I pulled on an oversized gray sweater, a pair of black jeans, my black boots, and a Slytherin scarf. I quickly ran to the Great Hall and grabbed a quick breakfast. I saw Bill in there with his friends. I went over and sat with Charlie.

"Hey" he said not looking up from his book.

"Hey. Good book?" I asked.

"Yeah. I found it in the library. It has information on all different types of dragons" he said. I put a small amount of food on my plate and started eating. "You meeting Bill again today?"

"How can you tell?" I asked.

"You look like a human again" he said.

"What I normally look like troll?" I asked.

"Pretty much" Charlie joked.

"Gee thanks" I said laughing. Once I was done eating I went upstairs to meet Bill. He was standing outside of the lavatory.

"Hey. I didn't want to just go in. Just in case someone was in there" Bill said. I nodded and went inside. I checked all the stalls and everything to make sure it was empty. Once the coast was clear I opened the door and grabbed Bill's hand. I pulled him inside. We sat off to the side and started brewing the potion. As I was reaching for something I brushed his hand. He smiled. I could feel myself falling more and more for him.

"How long do you think it'll take?" I asked.

"All the ingredients are in. Just needs to brew for an hour. Looks like you're stuck with me for then" Bill said. He leaned back against the wall. "So, your family are muggles?"

"Yeah unfortunately. Not that I'm prejudice against muggles or anything...It's just..." I said.

"It's just what?" Bill asked.

"Nothing. It's stupid" I said.

"No come on tell me. It's not stupid" he said

"It's just I hear Charlie and even you talk about your family and you guys are all the same and you all get each other. I don't have that. My parents and my brother think I'm a freak because of what I am" I said. Bill put his hand on my knee.

"I'm sorry. I can't imagine how much that sucks" he said. "Hey why don't you come spend the holidays with us. This way you can be yourself during the holidays. You don't have to hide."

"I'd really like that. Thanks Bill" I said. He smiled.

"I'll write to mum and let her know. She'll be thrilled" Bill said. We sat and talked for a while more. After an hour the potion was ready. We put it into a cupcake. Merula always brought one back to bed with her. I kept it hidden once it was time for dinner I made sure to put it on the plate of desserts in front of her. She immediately grabbed it. I looked at Bill and nodded. Merula excused herself from dinner. I gave her a head start I got up and followed. Bill followed me. I got into the common room and went to my dorm. I sat on my bed and pretended to read a book. Merula started eating the cupcake. Before she was halfway through it she passed out. Once I was sure she was asleep I walked over to her and pulled the key necklace off her, I used a charm to make a replica. The replica wouldn't work in the door anymore but it looked the same as the other one. I ran out of the common room and off to find Bill. He was standing outside pretending to study his potions book.

"Got it?" he asked. I held it up. "Let's go."

"Wait now?" I asked.

"Yup. Now" he said. I followed him to the room that we had the key for. He opened it. We walked inside there were papers everywhere.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"Jacobs room. He got expelled a year or so ago. He was the last one who knew where the cursed vaults were" Bill said. Somewhere in here will be the location of the 2nd one. We started reading through the books and papers that were in there. Bill sat in the one chair. I sat on the ground. Bill started to get up to give me the chair.

"No, it's fine" I said. He sat back down.

"Here look at this" he said. I got up and sat on the arm of the chair. I looked at a map of the school that he had. There was some weird writing on it.

"Looks like ancient runes" I said.

"We could work together to decode them" Bill said. I nodded. I looked at the map closely.

"Look here. There's a circle around a part of the library" I said. Bill looked at it. He pulled out his runes book out of his bag. We started trying to decode as much as we could. As we were working I leaned over to see more and accidentally slid onto his lap.

"Sorry" I said going to get up.

"Nah don't worry about it." He said wrapping his arm around me to stop me from getting up. I smiled. We kept looking at the book. After a while we just started talking.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Sure. Ask away" he said.

"Why me?" I asked. "I see you with all the other girls you don't really pay attention to them. Why am I different?"

"From the moment I saw you I knew I wanted to get to know you. I even asked Charlie how to get close to you" he said.

"Don't be mad but I kind of know" I said.

"He told you?" Bill asked confused.

"No. I sort of overheard you guys in Flourish and Blotts. I was on the other side of the bookshelf" I said. Bill blushed a bit.

"I'm kind of embarrassed now" he said.

"No don't be. It was nice. Bill you always seemed like Charlies popular older brother. The one who wants to be a curse breaker so he liked the fame and glamour. It was nice to see a human side of you" I said. He smiled. We realized how late it was and snuck back to our common rooms. I laid in bed. 

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