My Precious Little Ones

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This chapter is lighter than the others. Alison is home. She gets to see Jon and the twins. They go to the park, out to eat, just some good olé Dilaurentis-Fields family fluff.

Enjoy! :)


*Monday, October 1st, 2001 – Los Angeles, California – Dilaurentis-Fields Residence*

Finally, after being away from her family for nearly 4 weeks, Alison is home. In her own bed. Next to her wife. And down the hall from her son and daughters.

It is 2 in the morning of October first when she is woken up by not her screams, but Jonathan's.

She bolts upright in bed and notices Emily is already up and moving out of bed.

"Em?" Alison is just a little freaked out. Why is Emily acting as if Jonathan waking up like this is not new? "What's going on? What is wrong with Jonathan?"

Emily sighs as she comes around to Alison's side of the bed. She sits down next to her wife and says,

"He's been doing this for the last couple of weeks; having nightmares. He has dreams of you on the plane or all of us on the plane, and he wakes up either crying or screaming or both."

Alison opens and closes her mouth a couple of times. She never even thought of this. How could she not think of this? Of course, she would not be the only one affected by what happened.

Of course, Jon, her son, would have dreams about this, about her not getting off the plane, of her dying.

"I'm coming with you." She says getting out of bed and following Emily down the hallway to Jon's bedroom.

"Hey, Jonny." Emily whispers as she immediately goes to his aide. "It's ok, baby. You're all right. It was just a dream." Emily whispers these things soothingly.

"Please, Mama, I wanna talk to mommy." Jon says once he has calmed down a little bit. He's still visible upset, shaken and with tears on his face.

"Well, baby," Emily says. "Mommy's home now. She's right over there." Emily points to the doorway where Alison is still standing.

Alison comes over and sweeps Jon into her arms. She whispers to him how much she loves him, how she missed him, how the dreams weren't true. She tells him she was ok, and that nothing happened to her.

Jon begs to sleep in their bed tonight. Something he hasn't done since he was almost four and moved to a "big boy" bed for the first time.

Alison just nods and moves the blankets while Emily gets Jon's stuffed bunny and dog, both of whom he sleeps with.

The three go to Em and Ali's bedroom. Emily gets Jon settled while Alison checks on Lily and Grace. Seeing the two girls sound sleep, Alison gently runs her fingertips over each of their cheeks.

She watches as their chests rise and fall with each breath, thinking how close she came to not being able to come home to her family, like so many people on that day.


*Next morning*

The next morning, Jon, once again, does not go to school. He hasn't been since what happened on the eleventh.

He had anxiety attacks at school for three days after everything happened, and then began begging Emily not to make him go.

He wanted to stay home and wait on Alison to get there. He wanted to call Ali, in the mornings, at lunch, in the afternoon, at night.

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