Flight 175 to LA, California

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Thanks to moonlightbae who reviewed. Here is the next chapter. I will try to update twice a month, so I can post chapter 10 - the Epilogue - on September 11 of this year, however, Wattpad is being an incredible pain in my butt, so I am not sure if it will work out.

Enjoy! :)


*30 minutes later*

Emily decides at that moment that she is not going to send Jon to school. She brings him downstairs after checking on the twins again.

Emily sends Jon to the living room, helping to find the remote and turns on some cartoons. She lets him watch SpongeBob because it is his favorite.

Normally, Alison and Emily would not want him to watch it, – it's usually reserved for Christmas or his birthday, a special time.

However, after seeing what he did just moments ago, Emily thinks this is the perfect time to let it slide.

After making sure he is ok, she goes to the kitchen to make breakfast. Emily also turns on the little TV on the corner of the kitchen counter, so she can watch the news coverage without frightening Jon any more than he already is.

She is halfway through making the eggs, having already done the toast and bacon, when she gets a call from Aria. She's hysterical and honestly, Emily doesn't blame her.

She tells Emily that Harper, who, like Jon, watches TV in the mornings, saw the news of the Twin Towers being hit.

Understandably, the 12-year-old was frightened beyond being calmed down, as she is older and can understand a little more than Jon about what exactly it was she was watching.

Aria wants to know if Emily thinks she should send Harper to school but agrees with her when Emily tells her she is keeping Jon home.

Aria tells her that she, Ezra, Harper, and their son, Finley, are coming over. They pick Hanna and Caleb up on the way there, and Spencer and Toby show up shortly after the rest arrive.

Soon, Emily has her three best friends in the kitchen with her, helping her to make breakfast for everyone, while the boys, – Caleb, Toby, and Ezra, – are in charge of entertaining the kids.

It is then that Emily has a feeling she should call Ali. She can't exactly explain it, but she just has the feeling that she should get ahold of Ali to check up on her.

Even though she knows that Alison is up in the air right now and will most likely not answer, she tries anyway.

The no answer to her call doesn't bother as her much as it does when she texts Alison and does not get a response.

"Huh, that's weird," Hearing the comment, Hanna comes over to her.

"What's up?"

"Alison is not responding to my messages. She should if she's up in the air, but there's nothing." Emily tilts the phone to show Hanna when the blonde looks at it over her shoulder.

"She may be up in the air and can't text or receive any messages right now," Spencer says but Emily just shakes her head.

"No, she's been up there long enough to be able to turn her phone on and use it." And it is then, almost as if tailored to Emily's needs, that she and the others hear from the TV,

"We're coming to you live from New York right now where two planes have hit the World Trade Center. We now have confirmation on what flights hit which tower and *** has that information now...

"Yes, thank you, ***. Authorities have confirmed that it was Flight 11, a Boeing 767 with 92 people aboard, which departed from Boston's Logan International Airport en route to Los Angeles, which hit the North Tower."

"And um... United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 with 65 people aboard, which departed from Boston, and was also en route to Los Angeles, was the plane to hit the South Tower."

Emily feels like the breath has been knocked out of her as she hears that. Flight 175 from Boston, Massachusetts is the flight Alison is on. It's one Emily is set to go to the airport and wait on to pick Ali up.

It is the one that flew into the South Tower and now, well, now Emily has no idea if her wife is alive or not.


Next up is a chapter wih Alison. It will follow Ali from the time she wakes up in her hotel room, her checking in at the airport, and then we will find out her fate with the crash.

Please review! Let me know what you thought. :)

PLL and their children:

Jonathan Wayne Dilaurentis-Fields – Jon is 9 years old. He is a big brother to twin girls. He resembles Emily the most. Jon is a quiet boy. He keeps to himself, loves school and does well in his classes, and enjoys going to the pool with Emily. Jon has ADHD - Inattentive Type, and is getting help with focusing and listening in school.

Lillian Pamela Dilaurentis-Fields – Lily is 3 months old. She is the oldest twin. Lily is a very happy baby, always smiling and giggling. She is just learning to coo and babble. She loves having her big brother make silly faces at her.

Gracelyn Jessica Dilaurentis-Fields – Grace is 3 months old. She is the youngest twin. Grace is a very loud baby. She resembles Alison is in both her looks and personality. She loves being the center of attention. Grace enjoys being played with by Jon and loves to giggle and smile just like Lily.

Harper Ella Montgomery-Fits – Harper is 12 years old and the oldest of all the children. She is a big sister to Finley. She loves school, her favorite class is art, and she has inherited her parents' love of photography and old, black and white movies.

Finley Oliver Montgomery-Fits – Finley is 4 years old. Finn is every bit of a "normal" little boy. He loves his cars and trucks and staying at home with his daddy. Finn looks like Ezra. He has blue eyes and curly brown hair. Finley is showing signs of Dyslexia, and Aria and Ezra have decided homeschool is best for his learning.

Hanna and Caleb are waiting to hear back from the adoption agency as they have decided to adopt as a way to begin a family. Spencer and Toby are pregnant with their first child, a little boy whose name they are keeping a secret.

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