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house: any but slytherin (i know i'm sorry)

blood status: half or muggle hun

year: 5 (order of the phoenix)

warnings: bad words sksksnfnss

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you were raging. so angry with your boyfriend, Draco.

you had just got out of detention with Umbridge after she found out Harry had been teaching you all how to defend yourselves and magic was banned from school. you told Draco about it because you trusted him and then the next thing you've been found out.

you looked down at your sore hand that had sentences carved into it as that was the punishment from Umbridge and stormed towards your common room.

as you turned the corridor where the entrance was you recognise and familiar blonde hanging around obviously waiting for you.

you instantly stop and when he looks up and sees you, you spin around and walk in the opposite direction.

Draco knew that you were upset, he knew that he shouldn't have said anything but he was trying to be better this year and lying to a powerful teacher was the opposite.

he chased after you and called after you repeatedly which you ignored every time

when he eventually caught up and grabbed your wrist which you quickly yanked back and faced him
"i don't want to talk to you right now so just leave me alone" you snap and walk off again

"y/n please i'm sorry" Draco says following you

you look to face him again
"you're sorry now?! you can't just bait me out and then expect me to let it go because you're sorry" you say raising your voice slightly

"so you want me to lie to a teacher now?" he huffs

"no Draco but i'm your girlfriend!!" you snap getting more annoyed that he was getting annoyed with you

"i cant help you if you want to run off with Potter and his lessons" Draco snaps

"what? is that what this is about? Harry?" you ask raising an eyebrow

"it's nothing to do with Potter im just saying it's not my fault, you knew you would be found out eventually" he replies in annoyance

"yes but not from my own bloody boyfriend!!" you say loudly "you promised me that you would never go behind my back, you'd tell me everything, that you'd protect me from anything and anyone" you say with tears in your eyes as you hold up your hand to show him the words carved into your hand "well you're doing a fine ass job of it so thank you for telling her everything, i hope it was worth it" you snap and walk away again

"she did that to you?" was all Draco could ask the image of your hand staying in his mind

you look back at him "no she has magical pens that do it but it still bloody hurts"

"come on we've got to get that sorted" he says feeling a little guilty

"i'm not going anywhere with you" you reply

"y/n please stop being difficult" Draco sighs

"well maybe next time you'll re think your actions when you want to backstab me again" you say sarcastically

"merlins sake i didn't backstab you!! Dumbledore's army is a danger, this place is a school and he's trying to make it into a war zone" he argues raising his voice

"no Draco it's called self defence!! stop ignoring everything that's happening!!! there's a chance that he has returned and you just don't care" you say raising your voice back at him

"we don't know that he has returned!" he shouts frustrated with your stubbornness

"BUT WE DONT KNOW HE HASNT" you shoot back letting the tears fall down your face
"don't you get it?! i'm scared Draco! i'm terrified that i'm about to lose everything because no one but Harry can be bothered to help us and i thought you of all people would understand that but no you're more worried about losing your prefect status" you wipe some tears from under your chin as more fall and you just sit on the stairs and put your head in your hands and just sob

Draco's heart shattered after hearing that you were terrified and watching you cry was something he never wanted to do, especially as the tears were over him and his asshole move.

you look up at your boyfriend some mascara under your eyes "you never used to be like this, is this just your way of trying to get rid of me or something? because if you're finding us too hard then you could have just said"

Draco's eyes snapped to yours "what? no of course not"

he went and sat next to you
"y/n, i knew it was going to be hard dating you, i knew people were going to hate it especially my parent's, i knew exactly what i was signing up for, i wouldn't have fought so hard to get you if i just wanted to throw it away again. i'm sorry, i didn't know you were so scared and i know that's no excuse for what i did because you're right, i said i'd protect you and i haven't"

you sniffle and look at the ground
"i just want the old you back because prefect you is a dick"

Draco's heart stung at your words, had he really changed that much that even his own girlfriend didn't like him?

so he quickly pulled you into his chest to prove that he was still here
"i'm still me baby"

you wrap your arms around him tightly your heart fluttering as he placed a gentle kiss on your head

"i promise i'll protect you from now on and i'll never betray your trust again" he says softly into your hair

you smile slightly knowing that the Draco you fell in love with wasn't completely gone, he was still here with you and all the anger you felt had melted away

"now please come with me so we can fix your hand" he begged loosing his grip around you

you rolls your eyes at him for ruining the moment and pulled away from him
"fine" you sigh and he stands up and grabs your hands pulling you up with him

"i love you" you say as he wipes some mascara off your face and he smiles at you

"i love you too darling"


oof another argument moment damn Umbridge

hope you're all okay!! 🌸

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