1 ➳ Pregnant!

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➳ January 2005

Who would ever assume that the big Tony Stark would end up waiting behind a door as Skylight was taking a pregnancy test.

He didn't believe the first 5 tests so he just told her to take another couple tests.He just could believe that he soon was going to be a father.

Tony was in his late thirties but he never ever thought of having kids.He was a billionaire, playboy, genius, philanthropist but being a father would tare him apart!

Skylight never wanted to keep him.Literally the first thing she said was abort the baby!But Tony insisted...He was many things,but a killer was none of them.

Tony knew it wouldn't be easy but he could just keep him away from the media until he would grow a little...

"It's positive !"-Skylights said annoyed.-"I am not taking more tests Tony!Decide what do you want to do with the baby!"

Tony left out a sight.-"I don't know!"

"If you don't know...I already assigned an abortion session tomorrow morning!"-She said and wore her fancy jacket.

"You are not killing my baby Sky!You have to born that kid!"-Tony said now raising his voice.

"Don't yell at me!If you want the kid you will have to pay a lot of money!I don't want him but money can change that!"-She said and started to pick with her nails.

"Monster!"-Tony whined.-"How much!"

"1 million and the baby borns!"-Skylight said playing with her leopard skirt.

"Done!"-Tony said and looked at her stomach...it was flat but his baby was there!-"You will live at the mansion until he is born!No alcohol and other substances!I swear you Sky...if you do anything that effects him...I will tare you with my bare hands!"

"I don't care...I can do it for 9 months...as long as the money is on the play."-She said but Tony couldn't handle her anymore.She was making him throw up.

"Happy come pick Skylight up!Take her to the Malibu mansion."-Tony said in the phone.

"Yes boss.Should I say congratulations?"- Happy said lowering his voice.

"I don't know buddy!I don't feel ready!"-Tony said pushing the bridge of his nose.

"You aren't going to be like him Tony!"-Happy said meaning being like Howard.-"You are going to be a grate father!"-He hummed in the phone.

"Thanks Hap!"-Tony closed the phone and walked to his car.

Terrible though where coming in his mind.What if being a good father wasn't enough!?What if he couldn't take care of the kid!?Possibilities where filling his mind he needed to crash somewhere...To a friend.

He dialed a number and waited for him to open.

"Hey buddy!"

"Hey Rhodes!Am I disturbing you?"

"Despiser that the time is 1 am ...no!"

"Come on!I need to crash somewhere!"

"Tones what did you do again!?"

"I messed up Rhodey!I messed really bad this time !"

"Oh god!You killed someone?"

"NO!Are you even listening to me!"

"Okay My door is open...come and I will wait you here!"

"On my way!"

Tony closed the phone and drove away.How was he going to handle a kid by his own!?He couldn't just ask his assistants to raise him!He can't give him to someone else...It was really messed up.

--After a long drive.

Tony ringed the doorbell.It was almost 2 am but god he really needed help.After a short wait the door opened and Rhodes stood in the doorstep.

"Hey buddy!Oh Jesus you look like shit!"-Rhodey said.

"I am going to become a father Rhodey!I am going to have a kid!"-Tony said almost dropping himself in the floor.

"Oh dear lord!Come in!"-He said and Tony made the way to the living room.-"Who's the mother?"

"Skylight from the receptionist!"-Tony said and launched himself to the couch.

Rhodey made a hysterical laughter.-"That bitch?Tones what where you thinking ....Are you sure it is your kid?"

"100%"-Tony said blowing away some air.

"How can you even be that sure!"-He asked.-"She is a HOE!"

"She was in my vile the whole month Rhodes!"-Tony prouted and than continued -"She asked me for money or she would abort the kid!I can't bare lose a kid who is mine..!"

"I won't even get shocked the next time you come to me and say you need to dig up a hole to hide a body on my backyard!"-Rhodes said and they both laughed.

There was a little silence.

"So you are becoming a dad now!..Firstly a billionaire at the worlds best weapon Industry and now a father...Are you sure you have time for a kid?"-Rhodes said examining his face.

Tony curled a small smile.-"A kid would be a blessing..."

"We'll talk in a few months!"-Rhodey said laughing and patting his shoulder.-"What about a partner...Are you raising a kid all by yourself?"

"I don't need a partner.I have enough time and money to do it myself.I am not my dad Rhod!"-Tony said holding his head with his hands.

He just nodded and soon left to take some leftovers and bring them to Tony.-"A man in distress is a hungry man!"-Rhodey lended the plates in front of him.

He started to nip at the food but he didn't actually had enough appetite.-"Thanks Rhod...For everything!"


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