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That night, Luke slept in Ashton's spare bedroom, abandoned and vulnerable. Luke still couldn't get over the fact that he was given away to somebody he only faintly remembers just because he was a 'nice and responsible' adult. He doesn't care if it was a joke or if Ashton was the kindest person on the planet, this was not a humorous situation. He has no clue if he'll ever return to his home again or if he has it in his heart to forgive his mother after what she's done.

He didn't get a lot of sleep, he mainly spent the night laying in bed, pondering about his life. You get the best thoughts at three in the morning, right?

Ashton sincerely did feel bad for Luke. He knew it was a joke but he also knew Luke doesn't. If this was happening to him, he'd definitely be mad about it but he can understand why Liz was doing this.

Once it reached morning, Ashton got up like usual, shirtless and hungry.

He rummaged through his fridge and pantries, searching for something to make him and Luke breakfast with. Ashton just decided on using pancake mix to make waffles. His aunt gave the waffle machine to him for Christmas since his aunt knew nothing about him and everybody likes waffles, right?

So as Ashton made the waffles and sets out the plates and the glasses of milk, Luke groggily walks out of his temporary room and into the kitchen where the smell of waffles is enticing him to walk closer.

"I made waffles for us. Hope you like chocolate chips and whip cream with it." Ashton announces with a smile on his face, looking over at Luke, who looks exhausted.

"Thanks, they look really good." Luke mumbles quietly, sitting down at the table.

After breakfast, Ashton planned on making Luke's week stay as enjoyable as he possibly could, because seeing Luke sad made Ashton sad.

"Luke! Get dressed fast because we're going some place fun!" Ashton shouts from outside of Luke's door earning a groan from the blonde but he complies anyways.

Luke had to borrow some of Ashton's clothes since he had no time to grab any of his before he left, but thinking of that just made Luke more sad so he tried to stray from the topic as much as he could. As the pair got in Ashton's truck, Luke wondered where they were going. He would ask but he's pretty sure Ashton is the type that would answer back that it's a surprise. Plus, he didn't feel like talking anyways.

It wasn't a long drive but it was long enough to be awkward. Ashton tried making small talk but Luke just wasn't having it. He was tired and didn't want to talk, he wanted to lay in bed all day and procrastinate. So Ashton simply turned on the radio and hummed quietly.

Once the truck was parked at their destination, Luke reluctantly got out and maybe a smile came upon his face but he quickly covered it up because he should be sad. Happiness just shows that he's happy that his mum sold him and he's definitely not happy about that.

"We're doing laser tag! I hope you don't mind. You seem like a lad that would like laser tag, Am I right?" Ashton cheerily says.

"Yeah, it's alright." But internally, Luke is really joyful due to the fact that he hasn't done laser tag in years and he's been recently wanting to go.

"We can go home if you want. Just let me know, alright?" Ashton asks, seeing as how Luke doesn't seem happy.

"No, no. It's alright. It's just gonna take some time to adjust, I'll be alright soon enough." Luke says, as they walk into the laser tag building.

"Hey, Ashton?"

"Yes, Luke?"

"Do you know why my mom sold me? Luke asks quietly, playing with his fingers.

"I do, but it's best that I don't say because this is with you and your mother and I don't want to intervene with that. Just know that she loves you and it isn't permanent."

"It's only temporary?" Luke asks with slight hope in his eyes.

"Oh hey! Let's get our wristbands! Look they're even neon green!" Ashton exclaims happily, taking Luke's hand and dragging him away.

The two play for about two hours and Luke was genuinely happy. He forgot what he was sad about and he let go. He was having fun and that's a lot better than sulking.

Ashton's just glad he was able to put a smile on Luke's face because all Ashton wants to do is see Luke happy.

Because with happy Luke comes with a happy Ashton.


comment here if you are really aggravated with lexi and want this book to be updated asap

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