*Dream end*

I turn over onto my stomach and put a pillow over my ears. I smile and blush slightly as I remember the ending of the dream, but...I know it would never happen in real life. Just as I'm about to fall asleep again, I feel a pillow hitting me.

"Louis......turn.....it.....off........" Selena groggily says.

I groan and get up. I walk to the kitchen and look around.

"Selena...did I do the dishes last night?" I ask, yawning.

"Not that I know of...." She says, stretching.

I reach over to turn the alarm off and see a note on the screen.

"Wake up Lou! Time to get ready for school! -Haz"

I smile, then hit the off button. Directly under the phone is a note. I push my phone to the side, pick up the note, and read it.

"Hey, Lou. I cleaned up your mess from last night and also made breakfast for you and Selena. It's my famous rainbow pancakes. I know how much you love them and I hope they make up for ditching you last night. :( I know that I have to do way more than this to make it up to you, but hey...it's a start. :) Anyways, I'll see you at school where a huge hug will be waiting for you, unless you're still mad at me that is. Well, see you there, Lou! -Hazzabear"

I run over opt the fridge and pull out the tall stack of pancakes with two of each color stacked neatly on top of one another. (A/N Pic on side. *YUM*)

"Sel, get over here! We're having pancakes for breakfast!" I say.

"Ok...I'm getting up..." She says, stretching again.

"Hurry up woman!!!" I say as I put them in the microwave for a few to warm up.

So, you made pancakes? When...you just got up..." She says, sitting down and laying her head on the countertop.

"Oh, um...about that...um...Harry made them earlier this morning." I say, getting them out of the microwave and grabbing the butter and syrup.

"Wait...Harry made them?! When?! How did we not hear him?! Can we eat them now?!" She asks.

I chuckle and give us one of each of the colors.

"Read the note..." I say, passing it to her, along with her plate of pancakes.

"OMG! Louis that is soooooooo cute!!!" She says, squealing.

I chuckle and pour syrup on my pancakes, then pass it to her.

"I'm still slightly pissed off that he ditched me, but...how can I not forgive him after he cleaned last night and made breakfast for us??" I ask, taking a bite.

I moan as the cake melts in my mouth.

"Holy crap, Lou!! These taste amazing!!!" She says, shoving another bite into her mouth.

"Whoa there...slow down, Sel. We don’t need you choking. Ms. Hardy would be devastated if she discovered that her girlfriend died from eating pancakes at my house. She would fail me for sure." I say, smirking and taking another bite.

"Louis...I know you don't want me to eat too quickly, but it's 7:15 and we still have to get ready for school which starts in...about 45 minutes from now." She says, taking a huge bite.

"Crap!! I have to do my hair still!!" I start eating quickly.

After we finish, Sel and I take off to separate bathrooms, rinse off, and then finish getting ready. By the time we make it back downstairs, it's 7:45, which is usually when I leave. We hop into her car and drive towards the school.

"I can’t wait to see my girlfriend!!!" Selena says, smiling.

"I can't wait to see Harry...even if I'm still a little mad...I just can't fight the urge to hug him." I say, smiling.

When we finally pull up into the parking lot, I see Harry standing by the doors waiting for me to arrive. He sees me and waves. I smile and wave back.

"Well...here we go..." I say, opening the car door.


A/N Hey ya'll!!

So, wasn't that nice of Harry to clean/make breakfast? ❤

Also, how about that dream?

Straighter then a nail, eh Harry?? (*cough*liar *cough*)

So, what are your thoughts on this chapter?

Also, I'll now be doing a question at the end of each chapter because I would love to get to know my readers a little more so...here we go!

Question: What is your favorite color? (In honor of the rainbow pancakes!) ❤❤❤

My favorite color is yellow! Always has and always will because of my love for Big Bird! ❤❤

-Brittney ❤

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