Chapter 3: Go Team

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After the show finished I agreed to go out for dinner with him. I wasn't going to wear my costume, and I don't think he will either. This steak restaurant right nearby. I know Champ went there when he won. Winners get their meals free, so it's probably not a surprise.
It was almost time to go, so I made my way over. A couple other groups were going as well. It was only when I saw a large group of Fall Guys go in that I knew the other victors had just gone in too. I went to follow the group when another Fall Guy stopped me.
"Rookie? Is that you?" he asked, not recognizing me without my stuff on.
"Pineapple!" I replied.
Pineapple was a plain yellow Fall Guy, like I was a plain hot pink. Another Fall Guy was stood next to him. She held out their hand and shook mine.
The first thing she said to me was, "You're welcome."
She was white with little magenta lightning bolts on her. She looked at me as if she was greeting an old friend. Then I recognised her.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because. Pineapple's my best friend and you almost gave up your spot for him. I'm grateful for that. Oh, and the name's Fairycorn." Fairycorn twinkled.
Everything about her was cute. Her costume... The way she almost seems to twinkle... Her skin colours... Even the way she spoke was cute. And she gave up her winning spot for me.
"Come on, we need to get a table! Oh, and we'll be eating free thanks to you, Rookie!" Pineapple grabbed me and Fairycorn and pulled us into the queue.
The queue went down incredibly quickly, despite the number of customers that needed to be seated. We were next in queue when Pineapple suddenly voiced something that hadn't come to my attention already.
"Who do you think won the afternoon show?"
"The afternoon show? I dunno, we can probably tell by a large group of Fall Guys who we don't know being angry at other group of Fall Guys we don't know." Fairycorn shrugged.
Me, Pineapple and Fairycorn were all in the morning show, but there is also an afternoon show. They do this with new competitors for four days in a row, and then they put the lower ranking Fall Guys in together in a morning and the the higher ranking ones in together in an afternoon show. We were on the first day. I'm guessing Ninja will be placing high along with Puppacino, Lazar, Ecto Pirate and possibly Volts if he gets lucky. I'll definitely be placing high, so will Pineapple and Fairycorn.
"They could be making a deal to join Ninja's team." I suggested.
"That's probably right. Ninja has a lot of potential." Fairycorn nodded, "But so do we."
"Ninja doesn't just have potential." Pineapple sighed.
"You're ready to be seated now." a Fall Guy wearing an apron tapped my shoulder to get our attention.
"Oh, thanks!" I smiled.
We sat down at our table and looked at the menu. Steak... burgers... chicken nuggies... pizza... ah, pasta! That tomato one looks nice. And I'll probably just get cherry coke.
"I've decided." I told the other two.
"Already?! This stuff all looks so good! Maybe the Hawaiian pizza?" Pineapple sighed.
"I've decided too! That unicorn milkshake looks sooooo good!" Fairycorn squealed.
"I'm going with the Hawaiian."
I began, "OK. Should I go order or-?
"Excuse me?" a Fall Guy tried to get my attention next to me.
He was dressed in a cactus outfit. He had a white face plate, like most of us here, and a dark green skin tone. He seemed very shy.
"Hey." I smiled.
"Were you the winner of the winner of the morning show?" he squealed.
"Uuuh, yeah! That's me."
"I'm here to say I'm a huge fan! My name is Prickles."
"We're you in the afternoon show?"
"I sure was! I didn't do very well though... The winner was that blue owl lady."
Twoo. Twit's sister. Twit is one of the judges, who wears a pink owl costume. She won in last year's season. Twoo is angry at her because they were the last two Full Guys standing in the finals, a game of Hex-A-Gone, and Twit didn't hold back and just full on pushed her off and she won. She's going to keep coming back until she wins. That's what she said. Twoo... Twoo is interesting.
"Twoo?" I asked.
"That's her name." Prickles nodded.
I then had an idea. I don't think just me, Pineapple and Fairycorn will be enough. We need another.
"Do you want to join our group?" I asked Prickles.
"W-what?!" Prickles gasped.
"Well... although it isn't official, us three here are a team. And I want you to join us."
"I-I'd be honored! Thank you!"
"No problem! Come sit with us. Also you'll get your meal for free."
"Hey, Prickles is it?" Pineapple asked.
"I have faith in you! You can do this!"
We ordered our stuff when the Fall Guy with the apron came back, and when the food came we were so hungry we couldn't stop eating.
"This *munch* is so good!" Fairycorn squealed.
"It is really good, isn't it?!" Prickles smiled.
"Victory sure does taste sweet!" I giggled.
"I don't know what pasta you're eating that tastes sweet but I don't want any!" Pineapple laughed.
"Haha! You know what I meant!!"
"I'm sure it's delicious anyway." Fairycorn tutted.
"It is!"
I looked around the room and at the other side of the room I saw the victors from the previous seasons, a very grumpy Ninja and Twoo. Ninja had a burger and was picking at it. He was obviously annoyed. He didn't even place 2nd, but 3rd.
Ninja looked at us, all happy with our free food and scowled. I could see that he was mouthing something under his breath.
"I will win. You won't stop me." he mouthed.
I gulped. Me and Pineapple had a team together, but either way this thing wasn't gonna be easy. But I had my new friends to help me, and being with them is all I can really ask for.

To be continued...

NEED TO UPLOAD FASTER. Aaaah XD! Anyways if your enjoyed, don't forget to vote and follow me if you want to check out my stuff. Thanks and byee! :))))

Amazing art by Kes-Sparrowhawk21! Thank you so much :D!

Fall Guys: Ultimate Adventure!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang