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*Author's note*
This chapter has a mention of suicide and death


I felt numb, there was nothing else I could feel, just numbness. It didn't hurt this bad when my mum passed away. I tried to stay strong for AJ, but I couldn't even hold it together for him.

There had been no warning signs that Katelyn was going to die, we spent a week in Hawaii, went home to see family for a week, swapped houses with Austin, so we were back in Orlando and then we were back on the road. Katelyn had been feeling kind of out of it for a few days, so I suggested that she went home to Orlando, which she did, Cary and AJ stayed on tour with me to give Katelyn a few days to herself, then they were going to fly out on the Sunday to be with her.

On the Sunday morning, I got a call around 5am from Austin, he had stayed with Katelyn while she was home alone, who said that Katelyn hadn't slept in her own bed that night and was passed out on the sofa. Not thinking too much of it, I told him to take her up to bed and tuck her in, which he did, and he left her there while he went to PC to train. Austin called me again when he got home later that day to say that Katelyn hadn't moved, that she was still in bed. By this time, I was rather worried. It wasn't like Katelyn to sleep for so long. Austin went into the ensuite bathroom to get a glass of water and that's when he found the empty bottle of pills on the counter. I freaked out, stormed I to Hunter's office and demanded I go home. The house show that night was in Ocala, so I drove one of the rental cars as fast as I could to Orlando.

By the time I arrived home, there was 2 ambulances and a police car in the driveway. I got out of the car, slamming the door, and ran up the driveway, into the house, Austin was sat on the couch, tears streaming down his face.
'Austin, what's wrong?' I said. The smaller guy didn't say a word, he just stood up and hugged me.
'Mr Galloway?' A paramedic entered the lounge. 'Can we talk somewhere privately?'
'Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of Austin. He's a close family friend.'
'I'm so sorry, Mr Galloway. There was nothing we could do to save your wife. We're going to transfer her to St Thomas', where an autopsy will take place, but I think it is safe to assume this was a tragic suicide.' My head snapped up at the last word. Suicide?
'Where is my wife?' I demanded.
'She is upstairs in the bedroom.' I ran up the stairs, taking them 3 at a time, and burst into the master bedroom where Katelyn was lay, propped up on the mountain of pillows. I pushed past the police officer and the paramedic that were next to the bed, got down on my knees next to her and sobbed. I looked up at her face, she looked like she was sleeping, tendrils of hair floating in her face.
'I'm so sorry princess. I should've been here with you,' I choked through my tears. I reached up and moved the hair from her eyes.
'Drew, is everything okay?' I heard Cary ask from the door.
'Mummy, mummy,' AJ shouted, running into the bedroom and trying to climb onto the bed.
'Take him out of here, NOW' I yelled, pushing the toddler back toward Cary. 'I want everyone to leave me alone for a few minutes.' The police officer ushered the paramedic, Cary and a crying AJ out of the bedroom and closed the door behind him. I stood up and sat on the bed, putting Katelyn's head on my chest, as if her hearing my heart beating would spur hers to beat again.
'Katelyn, I'm so sorry I let you down when you needed me the most. I hope you knew how much I love you, always have and always will.' I kept smoothing her hair down with my hand, as though I was stroking a cat. 'You were my soulmate and I will never find another like you. I am so proud of what you achieved in life, you gave me the best years of my life and even though yours has now ended, your memory will always live on through me and our son. You've been reunited with our angel babies and Mum. Take care of them until the time comes and we meet again. I love you Katelyn Galloway.' I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, knowing that there was going to be a huge mountain to climb, but I knew that if I embodied the kind of strength that Katelyn did everyday, I was going to be okay.


It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that we announce the untimely death of one of our brightest young stars, Katelyn Galloway.

Katelyn joined our company in 2017, along with her husband, Raw superstar Drew McIntyre. Together, they were a force to be reckoned with, Drew a psychopath in the ring and Katelyn his manager.

We extend our sincerest condolences to the Galloway and Moore families. We will be holding a candlelit vigil at both Stamford headquarters and our Performance Centre in Orlando this Saturday, both of which will be simulcast on the WWE Network.

The McMahon family


I looked around the church where Katelyn's funeral was being held, everyone who knew and loved her was in attendance, from bands she had worked and toured with, our university friends, both of our families and of course the entire WWE and NXT rosters. Vince, Hunter and Stephanie insisted that they paid for everything for her funeral, no expense spared. I couldnt thank them enough for all the support they had given me. The vicar motioned me forward to give my eulogy. I stood up, smoothed down my blazer, and made my way to the stage. Taking the microphone from the vicar, I thanked him quietly as he offered his condolences to me.
'First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you for coming to pay your respects today. You've all done Katelyn proud. Where to begin? Man, it's been a rough 13 years. I remember the day I first saw Katelyn Moore, she was in the library on campus, head in a book, and I turned to my buddy Charlie and said 'I'm gonna marry her one day.' He thought I was crazy.' I heard Chrlie laugh. 'I was crazy, crazy in love with a girl whom I hadn't even talked to yet. Was it love at first sight? For me, it was. I remember, after we reconnected, we talked about when we first met and Katelyn said that she thought I was a bit weird looking. I guess she's not wrong, but she thought I was cute and she asked me out on a study date. I immediately said yes.
'We've been through a lot in 13 years, lost loved ones, lost each other, found each other again, Katelyn gifted me with a beautiful son, who will always know just how much his mummy loved him. The night we got married, Katelyn said to me that I made her a better person. I disagree. Katelyn made me a better person. A lot of you know my story, I kinda lost it after my mum died and ended up getting fired from the job that I loved almost as much as I loved Katelyn. A little over 3 years ago, we found each other again, in catering before Takeover Orlando. I never once thought that Katelyn Moore would even give me a second look after what happened between us, but she did more than that, she gave me a second chance and it was one that neither of us squandered.
'I want to leave you all with this, it's a line from one of Katelyn's favourite songs. Show me what to believe in. Katelyn, you believed in me from the start when I was chasing my dream of becoming a professional wrestler, you also never gave up on achieving your dream. You always wanted to be a designer, but you said that your ultimate dream was to be a wife and a mother. Baby girl, you did both of those things and I make this promise here today, you will always live on through me and AJ. I love you, always.'

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