Chapter Thirteen

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It was the day of the Royal Rumble and I was about to make my comeback. I had driven from Florida to Arizona, a trip that had taken me 2 days, but it was nice to have a little time to myself, just me and Bruce. Drew had flown ahead earlier in the week with our luggage, taken AJ and Cary with him. It had been just me, the dog and the open road. I pulled the rental car into the underground parking lot at the arena around 7pm, right next to the tour bus that Hunter insisted we have. It would mean no more driving to venues as we had our own driver. Management weren't too keen on the idea of us bringing Bruce with us, but I gave the ultimatum that if Bruce didn't go, then neither did I. Climbing out of the Kia Soul, I put my hood up and swiftly walked to the door of the bus. Knocking twice, I waited until the door swung open. Drew stood on the step, AJ on his hip and ushered me inside quickly and closed the door.
'Bruce is in the car,' I said, handing him the keys. I took AJ from him and hugged the toddler close as I walked to the lounge area. 'Hey baby, did you miss mummy?'
'Mama,' came his reply. I saw Cary emerge from a small bedroom and walk down the centre of the bus, AJ's pyjamas and cuddly lion in hand.
'Hey Katelyn, how was the drive?' she asked, sitting down next to me.
'Yeah, it was good. Just what I needed to be honest. A little bit of solitude before rejoining the circus.' We both laughed and AJ joined in, throwing his head back with a howl.
'Are you excited for tonight?'
'More nervous than excited, but it will be fun. I've missed this. Thank you for coming along with us.'
'You don't have to thank me, I love you guys and am glad to help. Hey AJ, are you going to put your jimmers on for me?'
'No,' he squirmed out of my grip and ran down the bus.
'Woah, little dude. Where ya going?' Drew said as he climbed back onto the bus. Bruce leapt out of Drew's arms and chased AJ back down the bus, Drew close behind them. 'So, Heath and Adam know you're here, but they have been sworn to secrecy.'
'Bollocks!' I cursed.
'Bowwocks,' AJ shouted.
'AJ, that is a no-no word. Only mummy says that,' Drew scalded our son whilst shooting me a filthy look. 'Come on buddy, let's get your jimmers on and you can snuggle with Cary and watch mummy and daddy on TV.'
'Okay dada.'

I was sat in a tiny office room with Drew, watching the tail end of the women's Rumble match. I was to come out at number 30 and was so nervous that I had already thrown up twice. Not only was I making my comeback to the company, but also making my competitive in-ring debut. I had been working with a lot of the superstars since my debut 2 years ago, but it had been more messing around in the practice ring. That was until Hunter wanted me to do an intensive course on the basics and then go from there. Number 29, Trish Stratus, had just entered the match to a standing ovation. Shit, how am I gonna follow that? I thought. A knock on the door told me it was time for me to head up to gorilla. I gave Drew a quick kiss, he was still sweaty from his match, and I walked out of the small room, pulling my shorts out of my ass as I went.




we're takin' our crown, we're takin' it now, yeah
Hey, we never look back
We're uncontainable!

(Are you ready? Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls for the main event
Ha-ha, they aren't ready for this one! Yeah, here we are!)'

'Who in the world?' Michael Cole said into his headset, looking bewildered. Katelyn McIntyre walked out from behind the curtain, onto the ramp and the crowd went wild.
'Holy...Could it be? We've heard whispers for weeks about Katelyn making her return, but as a competitor?' Corey Graves shouted.
'What do you know about this, Renee?' Cole asked one of Katelyn's close friends.
'I am in shock right now,' came the Canadian's reply. 'Katelyn had been saying she was working on a comeback, but I never realised it was going to be like this.'

Katelyn slid into the ring and immediately took down Bayley, raining down punches, Sasha Banks made the save by grabbing Katelyn's hair and pulling her away, into the corner.
'YOU DON'T BELONG HERE,' Sasha screamed as she proceeded to kick Katelyn in the stomach, into the turnbuckle. After a minute or so of Katelyn being pummeled in the corner, she shoved Sasha in the chest, who landed on her butt in the centre of the ring. Katelyn stood up with the help of the ropes, only to be speared back into the corner by Sasha. Katelyn hit the back of her head, hard, on the ring post and slumped down.
'Asuka has just eliminated Natalya, but there's drama in the near corner here. Something is wrong with Katelyn. Can we get a replay of what happened?' Michael Cole said. Becky came running down the ramp to where her best friend was injured in the corner.
'Kate, are you alright?' the Irish woman asked. Looking at her best friend, she knew something was wrong. 'Get the Doctor down here now.'


I was backstage, watching on the monitor, looking on in horror as my wife lay motionless in the ring. All I wanted to do was run out into the arena, but I knew that Vince or Hunter would try and stop me. Fuck it, I thought. Let them try. I ran out from behind the curtain and down the ramp.
'And here comes Drew McIntyre,' I heard Corey say from commentary. 'He has no business being out here. This is the women's Royal Rumble match.'
'Of course he does,' Renee snapped. 'His wife is injured. Are you telling us that you would leave Carmella motionless in the ring if she was injured?'
'No, that's not what I'm saying.'
'Kate. Kate, can you hear me?' the doctor said, shining a penlight into her eyes.
'Baby, I'm right here,' I said as I squeezed her hand. She held onto my hand with such a grip. I looked up into the ring, all action had stopped. The final 4 women were looking on. Sasha was snarling, like a hyena waiting to attack, Asuka looked on the verge of tears, Nikki Bella was showboating, doing pushups in the centre of the ring, and Trish was sat on the opposite turnbuckle staring daggers at Sasha. A couple of EMTs came down with a gurney and I helped them lay Katelyn on her back, onto the spinal board and then strapped onto the gurney. By now, the crowd were chanting Katelyn's name.
'Let's get you into the trainer's room, so we can have a look,' the doctor said as Katelyn was being wheeled away. I stood up, to my full 6 foot 5inches, stormed at the commentary table and punched Corey right in his stupid face.
'Next time you wanna say shit about my wife, ask yourself if you would say it to me first. If not, then keep your damn mouth shut,' I barked. Renee gave me a quick fist bump and Becky and I left ringside to go to make sure Katelyn was okay.

After the show had finished and Katelyn had been checked over, we made our way to the bus. I made Kate get on first, I had spotted Sasha making her way towards me. I was pissed with Sasha for being so reckless in the ring. Luckily, Kate only had a very mild concussion, but it meant that she wouldn't be able to compete for a while.
'I suggest you go away. Kate doesn't want to see anyone right now.'
'Aww, is wittle baby Katelyn scared of a real fight?' Sasha cackled.
'What you did was stupid and reckless. You could've really hurt her.'
'That's because she has no business getting into my ring, taking a spot from someone who earned it, not by laying on her back for anyone who will have her.'
'You watch what you say about my wife. Katelyn had been through enough over the last 2 years, she doesn't need some jealous little bitch making life hard for her.'
'But does she get you hard anymore?' Sasha stepped forward, causing me to back jnto the side of the bus, and grabbed my junk. 'So, the rumour floating out of the mens locker room is true? You are a big boy.' I pushed her shoulder and moved away. 'Trust me Drew, soon you'll be gagging for me. Especially when you realise that old wifey in there doesn't get your pulse racing anymore.'

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