Chapter Eighteen

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Over the next couple of weeks, my Twitter feed had blown up with tweets from fans angry at me because of the storyline. I couldn't help but laugh. That was until I started to get death threats. I threw my phone on the table in the diner by the beach, the same one where Drew and I had lunch the day we came to look at the house, having breakfast. We had become regular customers and knew most of the staff now.
'What's wrong babe?' Drew asked, his mouth full of scrambled eggs.
'You should read my Twitter mentions. Fans sending me death threats,' I took a sip of my iced latte. 'Do they not realise that shit like that is serious?'
'Sometimes the fans can be a bit stupid and think that it's all real.' Drew stretched his hand across the table and interlocked my fingers with his. 'Don't worry babe, things will die down.' As he said that, a girl walked behind me and tipped her frappacino over me. Drew and I stood up and I almost punched her, but Drew restrained me.
'What the hell do you think you're doing?' I shouted. The girl, who must've been in her early 20s, shrugged. She was wearing an Adam Cole short. Great, another disgruntled fan.
'Was an accident,' she smirked. 'Y'know, like when you tripped and fell onto Roman's cock?' One of the baristas, Jason, came over to us and asked if everything was okay. He handed me a towel to dry off the frappacino that was sliding down my dress.
'No, this girl threw her drink all over my wife,' Drew answered, me still in his arms. Jason turned back to the counter and called the manager, Sarah, over.
'Hey Drew, hey Katelyn. What's the problem here?' Sarah asked. I gauged the girl's reaction when she realised that the staff knew us here. Drew quickly relayed what had happened, with Jason confirming what Drew said. I didn't dare speak because we now had an audience, half of the cafe had turned to look at what was going on, a couple of girls stood with their cell phones out, obviously filming the exchange. 'Is this true?' Sarah asked me. I simply nodded. 'Okay, well, let's take you into the back and get you cleaned up. Girl, whatever your name is, you are barred from this cafe. Please leave now before I call the police.' The girl smirked and walked over to the girls who had their cell phones out.
'Hey Drew, just remember that younger pussy tastes better,' the girl said before disappearing with her friends.

After I had gotten cleaned up, as best I could, Drew and I declined the Sarah's offer of a free breakfast, we headed out and took a leisurely walke back to the house. The smell of the ocean always calmed me down. I flopped down on the promenade, looking out at the bay. Drew sat down next to me.
'Kate, don't let them get to you,' Drew said, rubbing my back.
'That's easy for you to say. I'm starting to think this whole thing with Joe is a bad idea.'
'Babe, despite what has been going off with the fans online, you've clearly been happier this past few weeks. Hell, we've even been arguing less and having more sex.' He nudged me with his shoulder. I looked up at him and saw his eyes dancing with passion. We both leaned in and kissed, Drew cupping my chin. At that moment, my cell phone decided to ring. I looked at my smartwatch to see who was calling. It was the big boss man, Hunter. Drew and I broke apart and I fished my phone out of my bag and answered the call.
'Hey Hunter,' I said cheerily. 'What's up?'
'Can you come to Orlando today? Stephanie and I would like you to join us in a meeting with a couple of potential musicians that we're looking at working with. We thought who better to give their expertise than our own resident rock chick.'
'Yeah sure. Um, I'll go home and get myself ready, then be on my way. Should be there by 1ish, is that okay?'
'That's perfect. We'll see you then.'
'Bye.' Hunter finished the call and I stood up, brushing sand off my ass. 'I gotta go to Orlando for a meeting this afternoon with Hunter and Steph.' Drew took my hand and we began walking the route home.
'You want me to come with?'
'No, you stay home and get the guys round for a game day or something. You will have to pick AJ up from preschool at 3 though. Cary has a shift at the record store until 5.'
'Well, get Joe to go with you then.' We crossed the road and walked onto our block.
'Babe, I'll be fine. If I get tired or feel a seizure coming on, I'll pull over and take a rest.' Drew sighed, completely exasperated with my stubbornness.

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