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•5months passed•

Its been minths since y/n left me
I didnt open the box until i get home
I was still in the mountain


As a tears falling to my cheeks
As a memories passed in my minf
And a cold wind passing through my face and body

I gets up and yelled her name


I yelled while crying hard
I remember that day when we first went here


Taehyung was standing i laugh and stared at him

He then yelled at the air


Then i smirk and yelled back to yhe air


End of flashback

As i open the box that is gave to me from her before she left me....forever

Its the necklace and a picture also a letter

I saw the picture of us that time of my birthday i can see her smiles through this picture i want to kept that smile

As i read the letter

To:my cute tae tae

Hey tae give this necklace at hani i know you can and i miss you i wish you too but i want to say that thank you,thank you for everything you did for me,im so happy to be with you and im happy that we did made a happy and sweet memories of us,im so lucky that i met you tae remember the first day we met
Its like a tiger finding his prey luckily im his prey and kept it safe at his warm arms,at first i didnt believe at love but when you came at my life you showed me what love is and make me feel the happiest girl in the world
You gave me the love i deserve i wish i could give it back to you im so lucky and happy to met you

Yes i got hurt once but dont worry
Im not mad when i see you and hani making out it hurts me the more i see the more i questioned myself
If its make you happy then continue it
I wont stop you
If thats makes you smile then go for it
I wont stop you
I wish you could build your own family with hani and live happily but then im happy that i had you for awhile

Please be happy with hani take care of her
Be happy without me
Without a slut in your life

From:cute y/n

Guys is it sad ending or happy ending well i dony know its up to you guys sorry please vote

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