(Book Version) Baby

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I stood in the bathroom in the most beautiful linguré I could find, Fixing my hair and the little make up I did. 

I let out a breath pushing open the bathroom door it creaking as I did leaning on the doorframe looking into the living room where the one light bulb illuminated the chess board and Benny who sat there playing against himself studying his books and notes for a championship he had next month he was deep in though unaware the bathroom door had even opened 

I coughed trying to get his attention but nothing, so I did it again a little louder but nothing he turned a page of his book at least he's alive I guess. I rearranged myself a little trying to look as irresistible as possible 

"Oh Benny?" I cooed trying to sound as breathy and sexy as I could 

"What's for dinner y/n?" He asked as he moved a piece on his board 

"I don't know.. what are you hungry for?" I smirked 

"I'm not all that hungry do whatever you want sugar" he explained still not removing his eyes from his work I sighed stepping over and resting my hands on his shoulders slowly giving him a back rub "ooh thanks sugar" he smiled I continued exploring as much of him as I could get away with rubbing all over him "getting a little low aren't we sugar" he warns moving my hands back up as I had reached his belt 

"Whatever you say Mr Watt" I smirked 

"You have never called me that in your life" he laughs 

"Well do you like it?" I smiled

"No... not really"

"Okay" I sighed I moved a little and stood at the other side of the table making him glance up at me, he saw me and his eyes lingered a little on my sexy clothes often flicking up and down my body I noticed he was gently chewing the inside of his mouth 

"You uhh... you've forgotten something y/n" he says returning to his chess 

"Oh what have I forgotten?" I smirked picking up his cigarette that he was still smoking from the ashtray having a bit myself before blowing the smoke on his face and returning it to the ashtray now with a ring of my lipstick around it 

"Your dress?" He reminds 

"Ohh it appears I have... how silly of me" 

"I'm missing something? Aren't I?" 

I giggled at how cute he was being and I moved sitting across his lap my arms around his neck he rested his hands on my hips to make sure I wouldn't fall unable to stop his eyes looking closer especially at my almost transparent bra I began sweetly pressing kisses to his shirt and his neck leaving red lipstick marks anywhere I kissed smelling his cheap aftershave on his neck his facial hair tickly to my skin even if I liked running my fingers Along it playfully I turned his face away from his game to kiss me and he happily kissed back his hand sliding up and down my bare thigh and where my tights ended his other hand slowly drawing circles on the small of my back, his hand that was on my thigh began moving up until he grabbed my arse giving it a rather Aggressive grope till I pulled away fixing where his hair hand fallen in his eyes during our kisses 

"Benny can we play something other than chess?" I plead 

"Like what?" He says sounding a little annoyed at me for suggesting it 

"I thought maybe we could play house?" I suggest kissing his cheek and nose 

"House?" He asks 

"Umm like when we were kids" I encourage

"Okay..." he nods a little confused but going along with me mostly I think so he could keep looking at my breasts 

"I think...I'll be the mummy, and you'll be that daddy, like husband and wife" I smiled 

"Right? Okay so what should we do first my little wifey?"

"I wanna baby!" I said grabbing his shirt and pulling him so our noses touched 

"What?" He asked in shock, pushing me away a little but not off his lap "what did you say?"

"Uhhh let's put it in an way you'll understand Benny" I smiled putting his hands around me wrapping my own Around his neck kissing up his neck "I'm the queen and your the king" I smirked moving a little so I sat with his front pressed against my back I could feel his half hard cock under me as he kept his arms around as we looked at the board "and the queen" I smiled grabbing the queen piece kissing the top leaving a red mark from my lipstick "wants to get a little closer to her king" I smiled moving the queen next to the king "and you remember how when all the other pieces aren't around the king and queen do that very.. special thing?" I smirked clearing the board of any other pieces leaving only the king and the queen "I think the queen what's that to happen" I smiled kissing his cheek turning back to sit across his lap to give him more little kisses "and maybe the queen what's the king do to it a very special say that they never have before so that hopefully they could maybe..." I smiled grabbing a little pawn and sitting it between the king and queen and I shrugged 

"You... wanna have a baby?" He asks "with me?" He asks and I nodded nuzzling into his neck "that's a big thing to ask y/n" he says 

"Wouldn't you want to?" I asked, grabbing the little pawn "have a little baby? A little bouncing baby boy?" I giggled handing him the piece and he fiddled with it in his hand "you could train him, maybe he could be the world youngest chess champion, beating russian champions three times his age" I smiled making him chuckle a little "little Benny Jr?" I suggest kissing his cheek and neck 

"I'd like that" he smiled "but... I don't know if now is right. I mean I have a lot of trips coming up, we don't exactly have a lot of room for a baby, and honestly y/n can we really afford it? Babies need a lot of stuff and we have.... Nothing." He explained 

"Benny, even if you got me pregnant Tonight we'd have nine months to get organized, and when you win all your upcoming trips we could use some of the prize money to get some stuff for baby" 

"Your right... I just don't know if we're ready?"

"Benny, if we wait till we're ready, we'll never do it." I told him "it'll be, ohh after next trip, next month, next year and before you know it, we would have the chance anymore" I explain "Benny I really want a baby, but I'm willing to wait for you to want one too"

"Y/n... sugar, I want to, of course I want a little baby with you, I just worry about you, what If you went into labor and I was halfway across the country, what if... something bad happened and I was somewhere like russia or France, I wouldn't be able to think straight if you were pregnant, I couldn't focus on a game id be to worried about you and baby of you where two feet away or two hundred miles away" he explained "I really do want a baby with you y/n, I'm just.. scared"

"We'll always try" I smiled "and if we make a couple mistakes on Benny Jr at least we'll learn..." I smiled picking up another pawn and dropping it in his hand "For julia" I smiled making him smile wider 

"Okay" he smiled putting the two little pawns down beside the king and queen kissing me softly and pulling me with him to our bedroom

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